Part V: It's Ours. Just Ours.

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He sees Andy standing outside the beanery. She clearly heard what he said to the rest of the team, instead of saying anything, he walks away.

Vic knocks on Andy's door. She doesn't hear a response and knocks again. Still nothing. She opens the door but doesn't see Andy. She sees the door to the Captain's bunk slightly open and peaks in. She hears Andy's soft cries and walks over and sits on the bed.

"What's going on Andy" she asks


"Come on Andy. Talk to me. What's going on? Is this about Maya"

She sits up and wipes the tears from her eyes "she told me about Ross and Sullivan"

"What do you mean"

"A few weeks before her accident. She told me about Ross and Sullivan. Then she told me again the day of her accident. I didn't even acknowledge it the second time. I just focused on her injury. I didn't do anything after that. She's my best friend and I didn't do anything to help her. I spent years with her, the academy, in this house, at her house. I know her. Everything about her. Now, I don't even know her". She opens the draw and takes out a picture and hands it to Vic "I was cleaning out her locker when the probie started and found it. She kept this even when all of us did nothing".

Vic looks at the picture. Her eyes now shining with tears as she looks at the three of them hugging. Even though she started at 19 after Maya and Andy, they included her on their nights out. They both lived with Maya at one point in their lives. They were the only women in the team and they stuck together.

"When Carina cleared out Maya's locker she didn't even take this with her. This was the only thing in the locker" Andy tells her.

Vic wipes the tears from her face "what are we going to do. We have to fix this. You know I haven't seen Elena. Not once. Ben says that Pru sees her at daycare. She loves Pru and Pru acts like a big sister to her. They look after Pru when they have date nights and Carina is even teaching her Italian. How did we get it so wrong, Andy?"

"You know, after the skyscrapper incident when Jack was going through it. We didn't notice until my dad mentioned it. He noticed and he reprimanded us for not noticing. We were all young and trying to prove ourselves. We all wanted our house to be the best. We lost sight of each other back then. We know Maya. The abuse from her dad, the trauma she experienced. We lost sight of each other. We were doing too much that we forgot to take care of each other. She has Carina, I figured that was enough. Carina isn't a firefighter though. She came here once a week to help on Clinic days and then she'd leave. She doesn't go on calls with us, she's not in a fire with us. Maya needed us. Carina was always going to be there for her. That woman is so inlove with Carina, Maya probably still doesn't understand how someone like Carina could possibly love her and they've been together for so long"

"Now she has Elena. She would have called one of us, if Carina left her alone and she didn't know how to handle a crying infant. Their apartment is probably filled with so many baby books. Do you think she researched baby podcasts as well? Vic chuckles, wiping more tears.

Andy laughs "look, we'll figure it out. When she's back from Italy. I'll talk to Ben. I'll call her and hopefully she'll answer. If she doesn't then I'll go to the Station"

"I'll come too. There is no way an Italian doctor is going to be her favourite. That's my spot" Vic tells her.

The following morning just as Ben was about to leave the station, Andy called out for him.

"Look, I know you told me I was wrong to go to Maya's apartment, but I really do miss her Ben"

"I wasn't trying to be difficult, Andy. You of all people should know how she reacts when she is backed into a corner. We saw it what happen with Beckett. We might not have known the full extent at the time but we still saw it and we didn't do anything. I stand by what I said to the team last night. They only have each other. When Carina lost Andrew, it hurt her so much and she only had Maya. Maya is everything to her. I never expected her to leave 19. Not ever. She explained that she was doing it for her family and nothing was going to change her mind. She's happy Andy. She's really happy."

One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLucaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ