Rafe 2

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It was around 6pm

you went to the cameron's house because sarah invited you over to take a swim with her, kie and some other friends

you brought your swim suit with you


you and the girls were taking a swim and having fun


you got out of the pool and dried your self

you put on your denim shorts and your see through white tee

SARAH- y/n you going home?

Y/N- no i'm just gonna take a piss

Y/N- ill be quick

you went upstairs to took a piss

after taking a piss you were walking at the hallways

then suddenly someone grabbed you by the arms and pulled you inside a room

and he pushed the door to close

(he didn't fully push it close the door was actually slightly open but you both didn't notice)

Y/N- oh my god rafe you cant just pull me out of nowhere

RAFE- shh

rafe carried you and throw you on his bed

laying on your back you stood both of your elbow on bed, and bended both your legs up and looked at rafe

Y/N- what are you doing?

rafe slowly crawled on top of you

rafe was on top of you and between both of your legs

his hands reached out the side table on the side of his bed

he opened the drawer of his side table and you looked at it

inside the drawer of his side table was a BOX OF CONDOMS

your eyes widens

RAFE- a bought a box of condoms

Y/N- why? (you looked at him)

he closed the drawer and looked at you

RAFE- we didn't finish last night

RAFE- now i bought condoms

he started kissing your neck

but then someone barged in the room

SARAH- what the hell is going on?!

sarah saw you and rafe laying in bed

and rafe was on top of you

SARAH- y/n! we've been waiting for you since awhile ago

SARAH- come on y/n!

rafe was still on top of you while he looked back at sarah

rafe stood up and you left

you went with sarah and went back to the pool

you went back to the pool

you were in the pool while sarah was sitting on the floor with her feet in the water

SARAH- pst y/n

Y/N- mhm?

SARAH- what..was that? back there?

Y/N- your brother pulled me in his room out of nowhere then he threw me on his bed

Y/N- and oh my god you wont believe this

Y/N- he bought a box of fucking condoms for me and him

SARAH- oh my god (she laughed)

SARAH- why did he buy that...like i get it...1 condom yes... but a box? jesus christ (she burst out laughing)

Y/N- i know right cause last night i led him on then when he was close down there i stopped him

Y/N- and i made an excuse i said he doesnt have a condom on so its a no for me

Y/N- then he suggested to get one from my dad but i said my dad counts them

Y/N- so he suggested another one he said he'll buy one quickly and we'll continue

Y/N- but i said i was not in the mode anymore

SARAH- oh my god (she laughed)

SARAH- i bet he's suffering already

Y/N- yea im making him really thirsty so he could suffer more

SARAH- anyways theres a party tomorrow you should come

SARAH- a lot of kooks will be there

Y/N-  sure why not

Y/N- will there be cute boys in that party?

Y/N- cause im really thirsty for a cute guy im so done with rafe

SARAH- girl... trust me you'll find a lot of cute guys there

SARAH- wait? what are you gonna do..if ever you find a cute guy?

Y/N- ill have fun with him obviously

SARAH- are you gonna sleep with the guy?

Y/N- absolutely not...i dont wanna catch a disease or whatever

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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