"Don't give me that shit." Bakugo pointed, already seeing the fight coming.

"I'm not taking those." You crossed your arms over your chest, Bakugo couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face, seeing the pout under your mask.

"Yes, you are." Bakugo took a warning step forward, which you matched with a backwards step.

"Whose gonna make me?" You challenged.

"Me." Bakugo held a devilish grin, picking up his coffee cup as you rolled your eyes as he sipped it.

"Please-" You turned your back to him, picking up one of the boxes GunHead supplied you with. "-you know damn well I'll put you through that wall-"

Your words were cut off by Bakugo's warm hands turning you around, they felt uncharacteristically gentle. You turned to look at him but was cut off by his fingers wrapping around the medical mask swiftly pulling it off. You didn't have time to react as he cupped both sides of your face slamming his lips against yours.

Your eyes were wide, brain instantly flatlines as you stare at Bakugo, who allowed his eyes to close first. You felt his warm tongue force its way past your lips, Bakugo dropped one hand, snaking it around your waist, pulling you tightly against him.

The moment your lips parted he dipped you and you felt a warm liquid pool from his mouth to yours, two little particles could be felt swirling around in the vanilla tasting coffee. Getting a grip on your sanity you pulled your arm, about to send a punch across his jaw but he caught your wrist. He broke the kiss; the mischievous grin caused your blood to boil as you felt the desire to rip it off his face.

Bakugo slapped his hand against your mouth, running his tongue along his bottom lip.

"Swallow for me." His hot breath fanned your face, Bakugo had been smart about this, he had a firm grip on your stronger arm, leaving you to only defend yourself with the shoulder still recovering, giving you little strength to repel him.

Having no other option, you swallowed the warm coffee and two stupid little pills. Bakugo flashed a victory grin.

"Was that so hard?" He questioned, walking the two of you to the bare bed he sat you down. You watched with narrowed eyes as he walked to the table, picking up the plate and your mask off the floor, he handed you both. "Eat-" He ordered. "-or do you need help with that too?"

You didn't respond, you just took the plate, a pout resting on your features. He stood a step back freely drinking in your exposed face.

"God-" He breathed, pulling your eyes to him. "-your still so gorgeous." He reached out, cupping the side of your cheek, his thumb running over your bottom lip. It took a moment, but then you felt the exposure of your face.

Your heart dropped into your stomach at this realization or was it from his sweetened words?

"We leave in twenty-" Bakugo turned, knowing you were going to need a couple minutes to compose yourself. "-if you're not downstairs, I'll come drag you out of this room." With his promise lingering in the air, he left the room, closing the door behind him leaving you shell shocked, your mask resting between your fingers.

"What the fuck just happened?" You questioned your sanity.

Bakugo leaned against the island, playing on his phone waiting for everyone to get their asses together so they could all leave. Bakugo looked up from the screen, a smirk instantly grew spotting you after eighteen minutes.

"Alright-!" Ida directed the traffic, counting everyone as they walked out of the dorms, ensuring he would have his entire class ready for roll call.


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