Everyone looked over to Runa with concerned looks. Yuzuki got kidnapped for letting their guards down the last and this time. First lost and found by another army, but this time, she got abducted by Finé, an enemy who's two times worse than being trapped by an enemy. If she could get Yuzuki, there's a high chance that Runa will be captured during the fight. And that could be disastrous.

"Are you sure we should've brought Runa to the battlefield?" Toshiie asked. "I know she can handle herself since she's strong, but it's still dangerous. Can she handle it?" After learning about her weak constitution, dragging Runa into battle might be extreme. Even if it's for her own good.

Hideyoshi stood up. "On the contrary... We couldn't leave her in the castle because it's dangerous there." He slammed his right hand flat on the table. "Even our castle isn't safe for her right now. And there might be a chance the enemy will try to lay siege again."

"The enemy armies knows about her intense supernatural powers and power to use the Sacred Treasures." Kanbee pointed out. "There might be rumours of her looking for the Amalgam, as well."

"On top of it. They also know that Runa can take down a group of Noise and well-trained soldiers effortlessly." Mitsunari added. "Therefore, we have no choice, then."

"Kanbee, Hanbee, Stella, I'll be leaving Runa's care to you during the battle." Hideyoshi ordered.

"Okay~!" Hanbee smiled.

"Yes, sir." Kanbee nodded.

"My usual job. Playing babysitter." Stella shrugged, but complied. "She'll be fine with us."

"Yep, yep!" Hanbee enthusiastically nodded his head in agreement. "We will protect her without giving her any worries!" He turned to his sister and smiled at her. "You'll be fine with us, Runa-chan!" He assured.


"Huh?" Stella noticed how awfully silent the child was. Too silent, even for her. The child would make a comment about something, but she had been rather silent after the Ichaival Amalgam incident. "What's the matter?" Stella asked.

Runa didn't answer at first. Her expression looked normal but she looked more tired. Her pale complexion became almost white as a ghost's as a bead of sweat was trailing down her face. You could make a guess her eyes would be in a daze as her mind wouldn't be thinking straight.

"Huh?" Runa snapped out of her thoughts when she felt everyone's eyes were on her. "Ah... yes..." She whispered, nodding lightly before her eyes became too heavy.

"Are you okay?" Toshiie asked, worried. "You don't look so good."

"I am... fine..."

"Runa, I know you're strong, but please be careful, okay?" Hideyoshi warned her.

Runa nodded.

"Hey." Stella spoke.

"What is it?" Hideyoshi asked.

"What are you gonna do if Noise shows up?"

"Huh?" She surprised not only Hideyoshi, but everyone as well.

"Have you even considered Finé or one of the Black Symphogear Wielders, might show up?" Stella asked, her brow twitching in annoyance because it was clear to her that the commander, nor the vassals, didn't consider the fact their other enemies might appear. "They are out for it for Hime-sama. Especially, the remaining Wielders. I wouldn't be surprised if they used the Noise as shields to barge their way through."

"You do have a point..." Hanbee said, agreeing to the terms.

"If those creatures snow up, they could mess up the entire plan." Mitsunari said.

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