Sick Day

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      When Kendall woke up this morning, he knew it was going to be a rough day. His head ached while his stomach twisted itself into knots, a nauseating feeling settled over the teen. He groaned quietly and curled into himself, tugging his comforter along with him. The blonde was seeking for any semblance of warmth he could get, his body seemingly drained of all heat. Kendall was trying to be discreet as his boyfriend continued to snooze away in his bed in the other side of their shared room.
      He tried to get out of bed, holding his hands out as he stood up too quickly , creating dangerous waves across his line of vision. Of course, this did nothing to ease the churning in his stomach, setting off a chain reaction as he quickly, but quietly, hurried into their en-suite bathroom.
      The singer hardly had any time to lock the door before he was on his knees emptying the contents of his stomach. Embarrassment burned his cheeks as tears escaped his eyes in a moment of what Kendall saw as weakness. He was glad no one was around to take in his sickly state, especially because they had a very busy schedule today.
       Once his body seemed to be finished revolting against him, Kendall sat back onto his heels, breathing deeply through his nose to reorient himself. The boy sighed before getting up to turn on the shower, hoping that the warm spray will remedy all of his ailments.
      Showering certainly helped, but there was still no doubt that Kendall was sick. His skin is even paler than usual, and his eyes have a permanent sheen to them, which always seems to happen when the teen falls sick. He bites back a whimper as his abdomen continues to swirl, contracting painfully as he exhales. Kendall's broken out of his stupor by a swift knock at the door.
      "You almost done in there, K? I've gotta shower." James calls through the door. Kendall isn't sure how much time he's spent in the bathroom, but he does know that James gets cranky if he doesn't have time to complete his very complicated hair routine.
      "Yeah, I'll be out in a sec." He calls back, analyzing his appearance in the mirror. His voice sounds a bit raspy, but he could just blame that on the fact that he's only just recently woken up. He opens the door to a smiling boyfriend, and he can't help but smile right back. James almost instantly pulls him into a hug, being the tactile person he is, and is placing a sweet morning kiss onto the blonde's forehead.
      "Morning." Kendall can feel James' frown from where his lips are still resting on the skin of his forehead. "You feel warm." The older boy states inquisitively.
      "Took a really warm shower." Kendall brushes it off, hoping James buys the excuse.
      "Hope you saved me some hot water." The brunette teased, squeezing Kendall tightly before letting go, the other boy trying to ignore how the pressure on his stomachs brought back his previous nausea with a vengeance.
      "Course I did." Kendall fake scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes as James went into the bathroom. When the door finally shut, Kendall dropped the facade and curled his arms around his aching stomach. The blond shivers in just his t-shirt and sweat pants, so he digs through James' closet to find a comfortably oversized hoodie.
When James comes out of the shower, he can't help but laugh at his boyfriend's appearance.
"Babe, you do realize we live in LA right?" The brunette starts combing his damp hair with his lucky comb, distractedly looking at himself through the mirror. "You're dressed like it's the dead of winter in Minnesota."
"M comfy." The younger boy grumbles, admiring James from his comfy perch on his own bed.
"As long as you keep wearing my clothes, you can dress however you want." James turns around to wink at him. "Unless it's-"
"-your lucky v-neck." Kendall finishes his sentence with a playful eye roll. "I know, I know. You'd probably castrate me if I do much as wrinkles it."
"Not like it would matter." James giggles. "You bottom anyways." He teases.
"James!" Kendall shrieks indignantly, a blush adding color to his otherwise pale features.
"Tell me I'm wrong." James stalks over to the teen, chuckling at his flustered appearance.
"Come on, guys, we have to go! Gustavo's going to be mad if we're late...again." Logan shouts through their door.
"Guess we shouldn't keep Gustavo waiting." Kendall dismisses their previous conversation, standing up with some assistance from his boyfriend.
"Ha! Since when do you care about what Gustavo thinks?" James laughs, slinging his arm around the boy.
"Since this conversation started." Kendall responds cheekily, jogging playfully away from James, seeming to forget his previous illness for the time being.
Not that that lasts long, of course.
The boys are rehearsing for their upcoming tour, so if course Mr X has teamed up with Gustavo again to give them some 'fresh, new choreography'. Kendall's stomach was tossing and turning as he dances, and his temples pounded along with the beat of his upbeat music. He was able to play nonchalant, and no one seemed to catch in to his façade. The singer could feel bile starting to rise in his throat, and new he needed to get out of that studio.
"I'm going to the bathroom." He's proud of himself for how uninterested and even his voice sounds, considering he's feeling anything but calm right now.
"Um, no. You're not." Gustavo responds, gesturing wildly with his hands (as per usual).
"Um, yes I am. It just depends if you want me to go on the floor or in a bathroom." Kendall says, and he's not exactly lying. He will throw up all over this floor if Gustavo doesn't let him leave.
"I'd let him go." Logan agrees. "He did go in your desk." The smart boy grimaces at the memory. Gustavo has his own look of disgust on his face.
"Quickly." He points at Kendall sternly. The boy nods and hurries out of the studio, hoping he can make it to the Roque Records bathroom in time.
He does make it, thankfully, but the fall to his knees in front of the porcelain bowl was anything but graceful. The boy whimpers as he spits into the toilet, gagging harshly. He feels truly miserable, but not miserable enough to tell anyone. No need to pile all of this work on to another day all because of Kendall. He'll be fine.
And that's what he keeps telling himself.
As soon as Kendall thinks he's got nothing left to throw up, he flushes the toilet and stands up. The boy washes his hands and splashes some cool water into his face, hoping it'll soothe the fever he's sure to have. He hurries back to rehearsal before he's gone for too long, joining the boys on the faux stage again.
       They must be blasting the AC or something because Kendall can not seem to stop shivering as Mr X explains the next dance steps. The blond is too busy wallowing in his own misery to notice the concerned looks James is throwing at him. The poor boy is shaking where he stands, hunched in on himself as he pretends to listen to their choreographer. James knows there's something up with Kendall. He knows his boyfriend is stubborn, so painfully stubborn, but he hopes the other boy knows his limits. James knows he's being almost delusionally hopeful, but he also knows he can't confront Kendall until rehearsal is over. So he'll just pray that the younger boy can hold out until them.
       They've got just over an hour left of rehearsal when Kendall sits down out of nowhere. James studies the dazed look in his eyes and knows that something is wrong.
       "Get up, dog!" Gustavo commands from his spot next to Mr X.
       "Kendall?" Logan flips into doctor mode and is by Kendall's side faster than what James thought was humanly possible. He taps Kendall's cheek to try to get the blond boy to focus on him.
       "Feel like..." the boy is slurring his words, which worries everyone in the room—including Gustavo. " 'm gonna pass out." Logan wordlessly looks up and James, who can somehow read the other boy's mind and moves to sit behind Kendall, bracketing the boy between his legs.
       "Okay..." Logan trails off, formulating a plan of action. "Carlos." His head turn to look at the nervous Latino boy. "Can you go grab a bottle of water and get a paper towel or something wet with cold water?" Carlos nods his head frantically before rushing off, glad he finally has a way to help. "Kendall," he directs his gaze back over to the sickly singer ,"I know you don't like doing this, but I need you to tell me what's wrong." Lagan tries to hold the other boy's gaze, but as he becomes more lucid, Kendall grows more embarrassed.
       "N-nothing. 'M fine." He brushes everyone off, shakily trying to stand up.
       "Nope." James denies, wrapping his arms around their youngest band member, pulling him back down in front of him. "You can't almost pass out then tell us your fine, you haven't been 'fine' all of rehearsal." Kendall whines at being called out, not wanting to fess up and say he's sick.
       Logan sighs and presses the back of his hand against Kendall's forehead, feeling the blazing heat coming off of the other boy.
       "You're sick." The smart boy says, leaving no room for argument or protest.
       In response, Kendall turns his body so he's sitting sideways in Jame's lap, hiding his face in the crook of the elder boy's neck. James wraps his arms around the boy, but wears a confused frown as he looks up at Logan. Then he feels the unmistakable wetness of tears dripping onto his shoulder.
       "Baby." He croons, wanting to cry a little himself. "It's okay." James takes one of his large hands and rubs it up and down the expanse of Kendall's back, feeling it shudder as he cries. "It's okay to be sick, honey."
       "Why didn't you say anything?" Logan asks gently, putting a comforting hand on Kendall's knee. "Gustavo would have given us the day off, he's not that big of a dick."
        "D-didn't want it a-all to pile u-up later." Kendall stutters through his tears, going back to hiding his face as soon as he's done talking.
       "Okay, okay." James hushes. "We'll save the rest of the questions for when you're calmed down." Kendall is being uncharacteristically emotional, not that James minds. He loves taking care of Kendall, but the younger boy doesn't always love to accept his help. He brushes back Kendall's sweaty bangs as the boy calms down, James winces at the heat radiating from the other boy. "You ready to talk?" James asks softly, pressing a kiss to Kendall's overheated temple, feeling the boy nod against him.
       "Alright." Logan chimes in, sitting in front of the duo. "First things first..." he trails off, taking the damp hand towel offered up by Carlos, he places it on the back of a Kendall's neck. The blond sighs out in relief, welcoming the coolness the cloth brought. "Now, can you tell me your symptoms please?" He asks the question nicely, but throws Kendall a threatening look, not wanting the boy to lie or brush them off.
       "Fever, nausea, um headache?" Kendall lists off slowly. "Dizzy."
        "Okay." Everyone could practically see the cogs turning in Logan's brain as he studies his friend's answers. "Have you thrown up at all?" He receives a shy affirmative not in response. "When?"
       "Um, once this morning, and every time I went to the bathroom." He knows they'll be disappointed in his answer, but Kendall had also accepted that they would be more upset if he lied to them. "Sorry." He tacks on, hoping it will make everything better."
       "It sounds like you have the flu, and should be taking it easy—not working your butt off in your rehearsals." Logan concludes, holding Kendall's gaze. "We're practically done anyways, so let's go home so you can heal and do normal sick people things."
       "Listen to the smart dog." Gustavo agrees. "I don't need you barfing all over my designer furniture." To most, Gustavo would appear nonchalant and uncaring, but the band knows that this is how he shows his affection. "Go, scram." He says dismissively.
       James stands up with Kendall still in his arms, much to the younger boy's jargon. He's not in much of a position to argue, so for once, he just relaxes and allows James to do all of the work.
       When they arrive back at apartment 2J, Kendall gets his first glimpse at the coddling he'll be getting for the next two days. He's immediately tucked into bed—a little too tucked in, he had to free himself from the blanket burrito Carlos insisted on wrapping him in—and given a concoction of medications from Dr Logan. Now he's a little high on cold and flu medication, a pleasant loopy high, not a scary overdose kind of high, and all he wants is to cuddle with his boyfriend and sleep for a few hours...maybe years. Of course James isn't allowed in bed with Kendall until Logan doses out a few different medications and vitamins to James, ensuring that the elder boy will not catch whatever illness has stricken their youngest band member.
       Then finally, finally, James crawled in bed beside Kendall. The younger boy attached to him like a leech, resting his heavy head on the other's broad chest, and intertwining their lanky limbs. Logan leaves with the promise of bringing them soup and more medication in a few hours. Kendall hopes his mom is the one making the soup, not the boys.
       For now, however, the blond closes his eyes and breathes in the warm musky scent that's definitely a little bit Barracuda, but 100 percent James. He exhales with a content sigh and drifts off into dreamland.
       The meds make him dream of cotton candy hockey players and a beautiful Candy Prince James, a sweet contrast to the normal action packed dreams that usually fill the teen's mind. Kendall smiles in his sleep anyhow, snuggling into his favorite prince.


Sorry the ending is a little weird I genuinely had no idea how to end this 😭.
stay safe everyone!
xoxo spiderxmarvel
word count: 2463

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