Chapter 4

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You were peacefully asleep as you heard someone yell,

"Would you stop chasing me!?" A boy screamed 

You opened your eyes and looked at the time

"Why are people yelling at 7:30 in the morning?!" You thought to yourself

You get out of bed and walked outside to see Inosuke, Zentisu, and Tanjiro outside 

"Why are you guys up so early "You ask them

"Sorry to wake you, Inosuke was sleep walking and we found him out here " Tanjiro explained to you 

"Oh... K" You reply looking at them " Is this really what happens every day?"

"Not every day, at least 4 times a week" Tanjiro laughed nervously 

Zenitsu was screaming and yelling as Inosuke chasing after him

"Help me!!"Zentisu yelled 

"Would you shut up already, Inosuke stop chasing him!" You yell 

Zenitsu kept running and screaming 

"What's going on?" Shinobu asked walking out 

"What isn't going on" You asked unbothered 

"Would you two go back to bed, it's too early for this!" Tanjiro yelled trying to break the argument 

"They minus well wake the rest of Japan up" Aoi said crossing her arms 

"Agreed" You and Shinobu nodded 

11:30 A.M.

You were walking around and enjoying the sunlight and nice warm weather. Even though you couldn't go back to sleep after what happened you still stood up for the day.

"Oh, hey Y/N!" Mitsuri waved 

"Hey Mitsuri, how are you? "You ask sitting down next to her 

"I'm good, you? " Mitsuri asked 

"I'm good besides the whole waking up to Zenitsu and Inosuke this morning" You joke

"I'm sure everyone woke up to that " Mitsuri laughed 

"If not I'm shocked" You smile

You and Mitsuri talked for a little until Tengen showed up

" Y/N we got a mission to do" Tengen said crouching next to you 

"Do I have to? " You whine 

"Don't start that" Tengen joked 

"Fine, bye Mitsuri" You smile hugging her 

"Good luck! "Mitsuri smiled hugging you back 

You and Tengen walk away from Mitsuri to the gate 

"Wait here for me-"

"Did you forget something?" You ask interrupting him

"Just wait here and don't be stubborn" Tengen said walking away 

"Who said I'm stubborn?!" You yell

"I did!" He yelled back 

"Just cause you were being an ass yesterday doesn't mean I'm stubborn!" You joke 

Tengen laughs and keeps walking away from you.

after 10 minutes of waiting Tengen shows back up with Aoi and Naho in his arms 

"Let's go" Tengen said walking past you

You open your eyes to see girls running past you 

"Put her down!" Girls yelled 

You look and blink twice to see Kanao grabbing Aoi's hand 

"What the hell?!" You yell confused 

"Mr. Tengen's kidnapping those two girls!" One of them yelled 

"If you don't put those girls down!" You yell

"What's going on?" Tanjiro asked running towards them

"Mr. Tengen's kidnapping Ms. Aoi and Naho!" They yell

" Let those girls be Kidnapper!" Tanjiro yelled 

You want to laugh but keep a straight face 

"Would you shut it damnit!?" Tengen yelled 

"Not until you put them down!" You yell protesting with them

" We can take their place! "Tanjiro yelled 

" Who is we?" Tengen asked 

Inosuke and Zenistu come running and land next to Tanjiro.

You look at the three with a straight face 

"If I hear one scream in the middle of the night, you three won't have a voice" You glare

"Yay!" The girl yell

"Very well then" Tengen smiles smacking Ms.Aoi's ass

"If you don't put that girl down in 2.5 seconds, Tengen!" You yell 

"If I don't?" He yells

" I'm already telling Shinobu, you want me to tell your wives?!" You joke

Tengen looks at you(Image below)

Tengen looks at you(Image below)

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And throws Ms. Aoi towards you

"I'm still telling them!" You laugh catching Aoi

"You Stubborn Bastard!" Tengen yelled.

The Fourth Wife?  Tengen Uzui x Three Wives x Y/nDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora