She nodded, straightening her spine as her knuckles became white from clenching onto her cloak too tightly. A wave of fear washed over her when the young man from her vision appeared once more when she had fluttered her eyes. He had bear a familiar resemblance to someone she believed to know and his mellow voice had sent every of her hair standing. All it takes was for that one bone-chilling voice to speak that she felt vulnerable again, her strong facade was threatening to flicker away like a tiny flame. "It's like someone had implanted their memories in my head..." she told them.

Aion sighed, he glanced around. Although there were only walls encompassing them, he could tell that there were eyes prying towards them from the darkness, windows and nooks of Knockturn Alley. "We shouldn't talk here. Let us head into the shop first," the older boy suggested.

Narcissa nodded, scurrying along as she pushes the ebony wooden door of Borgin's shop. Draco firmly enfolds Aine as they enter the shop with Aion skulking behind. He closes the door shut and the bell twinkled.

Borgin had emerged from the counter, he puts on a jubilant grin as he greeted the Malfoy lady before his attention diverted to her son and the two Estoileons. His brows quirked to a side, he had not heard they were expecting two more extra guests. 

"They are with me, Mr Borgin," Narcissa relayed to him and he simpers, acknowledging the siblings' presence. 

Borgin studies Aine's covered face, his eyes glimmered with a hint of lust at her beautiful moonlight-coloured hair, making Draco scowl at him in return, protective of the girl.

"Do you perhaps mind if we take a seat?" Draco politely enquiries, he guided Aine to a plush leather loveseat and sat her down after Borgin had agreed. The store owner then rushes off to get Aine a drink, disappearing behind the door. Draco kneels down to Aine, brows slanting to the side with worry.

The girl buried her face in her palms, reliving the vision she had earlier. She recalled the green octagon pendant and the golden goblet and the hissing sounds crept into her eardrums once more. It was similar to a screeching sound as if someone was using a fork to scratch a glass. It was awfully irritating and Aine covered her ears with her hands to silence it.

"Lianna, come. Have a sip," Aion said to her, breaking his sister from her reverie. She peeks through the gaps of her fingers and eyes at the bronze cup. Then, her pupils dilated to Borgin who had chafed his hands together. She frowns at him, sceptically peeping back at the cup and shook her head.

"I'm not drinking whatever is in that," she answered. It was clearly not water or any medicinal concoction as there wasn't any herb smell to it. And it was certainly too murky to be water or tea, there was just a metallic odour to it that made Aine feel even sick.

Draco took the cup of mysterious liquid and gave it a whiff, he jerks away from the unpleasant smell and nearly gagged from it. "I'm sorry, what is this?" he asks, showing Borgin the drink he had prepared. 

The store owner suddenly looked very timid when Aine glared at him. He swallowed before responding. "It's— It's... J- just some tea!" he stutters, not sounding very confident at all. "And a teaspoon of honey," he added.

"I'm still not drinking that, I'm sorry," Aine refutes kindly as Draco handed the older man the 'tea' back. He cringed when he caught another sniff of the drink. "I don't need anything, love. I'm fine now..." she remarked to Draco who softens. "I promise," she reassures him with a smile. 

Draco made sure Aine had calmed down before she spoke about what had happened. While both his mother and Aion went checking around the massive shop, he took a seat next to her. They were all waiting for the rest of their 'comrades' to arrive. He then asks, "What did you see, Aine?" 

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя