Meeting With Jaune

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After waiting for what seemed like years but was only 2 months he sensed a being walking over to him

"Who are you?" Ask the yellow haired girl

"Ciel what should I tell them?" Asks Rimuru with thought communication

[Master should tell jaune that you're violet and that you're bored]

"I am violet and I am bored" violet says

(A/N: same with my other book with Velzard I am going to call Rimuru violet and change her pronouns to she/her as he is currently in the body of a young girl so yeah I think you get it i also cant find carreras or ultimas powers and abilties when they were first created so i am creating my own skills and also using some of her EOS skills and magic)

"Oh yeah? Then why are you just sitting there?" Asks jaune

"I couldn't find anyone so I just sat here and wait for someone to come find me instead" replies violet

"That wasn't such a bad idea... anyway you are a primordial like me right?" Asks jaune as the primordial demons along with true dragons all gain information of their species when they're first born

"Yes I am the violet primordial and you're the jaune primordial?"

"You got that right! Now fight me I want to know what the other primordials are capable of" shouts jaune

"Okay then, ciel can you limit my power to half of ultimas powers in the future" violet says the last part to ciel

"Great! {Nuclear flame}! Jaune shouts as she releases a powerful magic spell that causes a flame of up to 2 miles wide that usually would destroy even the strongest of arch demons but for a primordial that was only a little burn

"{Poison manipulation}" violet says and runs at jaune stabbing her in the arm cutting it clean off and leaving poison that will negate pain nullification leaving jaune to feel the pain of losing the arm

"Shit! That hurts! Damn it you're not bad!" Jaune says and smirks as she prepares another magic attack However violet doesn't leave her the chance and goes in to do the same but jaune notices this and moves before it could reach her but still got grazed and also had to cancel the magic spell she was preparing

"You're not bad either" violet says and then prepares a spell while jaune does the same while they both prepare nuclear magic and both release them as they collide they cause an explosion destroying 12 kilometers and leaving jaune exhausted and violet slightly tired due to using too many magicules

"You're very strong! I want to fight again another day" says jaune as she flys away using the skill {flight} which does as it says

"Well that ended quickly..." says violet as she continues to sit there for another 2 months unsure of what to do weather to rebuild tempest or go on a separate journey as if he wanted to he could use {parallel existence} and let the original rebuild tempest and then help out when needed/If needed such as during the empire war or when yuuki sends him/her to the end of time she could prevent it from happening since this is similar to chloe's situation who went between timeliness to save Rimuru except this time it was reversing time which chloe was unsure about its effects but this time ciel ran many experiments and analysis of the consequences and found out the consequences which are: if you don't have strong enough soul or body it will destroy both and erase their existence and only 2 beings have the potential to train their soul to such lengths and both have done so

After 3 months he finally senses another being but this time much much Weaker

"A greater demon?" Mutters violet as she turns around to see a large red colored being with wings, 2 horns and a long spiked tail walk over and attack violet

Rimuru The Violet PrimordialOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz