Arthur observed the mixture of emotions in Bessie's eyes—sadness, determination, and a touch of vulnerability. "You've certainly been through challenging times," he remarked softly.

"Yes," Bessie replied, looking back up at him. "But I am grateful for this chance to work here and repay my family's debts. It may take five years, but I am determined to fulfill my responsibility."

Arthur admired her resilience and dedication. "Your family must mean a great deal to you."

"They do," Bessie affirmed. "My parents sacrificed so much to provide for me and my sister. It's my turn to support them now."

"I understand the weight of family obligations," Arthur said, a hint of melancholy in his voice. "Sometimes, the expectations placed upon us can be overwhelming."

Bessie sensed that there was more to Arthur's statement than met the eye. She decided to probe further. "You seem burdened by your own responsibilities."

Arthur's gaze faltered for a moment before he composed himself. "It's nothing for you to concern yourself with, Miss Wildblood. My family has its own share of challenges, but we manage to navigate through them."

"I see," Bessie said, respecting his wish not to delve deeper. "If there's anything I can do to assist, please don't hesitate to ask."

"I appreciate your kindness," Arthur replied with a faint smile. "Now that the agreement is signed, we shall begin working together to ensure the terms are met."

After their conversation, Arthur asked Bessie to excuse herself from the study. Once she left the room, he reached for a hidden compartment in his desk and retrieved a small envelope. Inside was the contact information of a discreet and skilled private investigator he occasionally hired for delicate matters.

Knowing that the truth about Bessie's background could affect their arrangement, Arthur decided it was time to dig deeper. He wrote a letter to the investigator, instructing him to discreetly gather information about Bessie's parents, their past, and any other relevant details that could shed light on her situation.


Frederick sipped his first whiskey through his hip flask. His eyes narrowed as he avoid the rays of sunlight. His gaze was focused on one person that stood afar. And the only person who noticed that was Abigail, who joined him in the back porch of their mansion.

"She's pretty," Abigail said out softly, taking a seat beside him.

Frederick looked up, "What?"

"Don't play coy with me," Abigail teased gently. "You are watching her like a detective on a stakeout, hoping to catch a glimpse of some hidden treasure amidst the mundane laundry chores. She seems to have captured your attention."

Frederick sighed, but remained silent.

Abigail studied her brother's troubled expression, her curiosity piqued. "Frederick, what's been bothering you? You seem preoccupied with something ever since God knows when."

Frederick tried to brush it off, but Abigail was persistent. She stepped closer, a cunning glint in her eyes. "Come on, brother. You know you can't hide things from me."

He sighed, realizing his sister wouldn't give up easily. "It's just... complicated, Abbie. I can't explain everything right now."

Abigail raised an eyebrow, her mind already spinning with ideas. "Complicated? Well, let's uncomplicate it then. Tell me what's going on, and maybe I can help you."

Frederick looked at her skeptically. "Help me? Said a mere young girl with wild ideas."

Abigail smirked, enjoying the challenge. "You'd be surprised at what I can do. Besides, if you want my help, you'll have to offer something in return."

He arched an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "What do you want?"

"I have my own little secret, you see," she teased, "and I need someone resourceful like you to assist me in getting the information I seek. In exchange, I promise to lend you my hand unravel whatever... it is troubling you."

Frederick hesitated, torn between his desire for help and reluctance to involve his sister in his mess. "It's not a game, Abbie. This is serious."

Abigail's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Oh, I know it's serious. And that's precisely why I want to be involved. So, do we have a deal?"

Frederick couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's determination. "Alright, fine. But remember, this is private. I don't want anyone know. Anyone, including Father or Mother."

Abigail grinned, sensing victory. "Deal! Now spill the beans, brother, and let's get to work on solving your little mystery."

Frederick turned to Bessie, then back at Abigail. And while raising both of his eyebrows, he said to Abigail, "Well, here's what to do."

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