How they are cuddling

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Finney blake:
-little spoon
-loves when you play with his hair
-kisses your cheek
-LOVES cuddeling with you

Robin Arellano:
-loves it so much
-loves being big spoon
-gets kinda upset when you wanna be big spoon
-loves playing with your hair
-loves holding hands while cuddling too

Vance hopper:
-lowkey kinda hates it
-has a love hate relationship with cuddling
-loves being big spoon tho
-loves when you play with his hair even tho he says stop
-loves giving you little kisses on your neck

Billy Showalter:
-loves switching around but especially loves being little spoon
-loves when you guys both play with each other's hair at the same time
-loves giving you compliments

Bruce yamada:
-loves it
-loves when he's big spoon
-loves giving you sweet kisses on your cheek,and forehead
-loves when he lays on your chest and you playing with his hair
-loves giving compliments to you
-you do the same with giving him compliments

Griffen stagger:
-not really a huge fan of it
-it's very rare for y'all to cuddle
-he only cuddles with you if he is sad or needs comfort
-loves being little spoon
-loves when you play with his hair

AUTHORS NOTE:sorry I didn't post yesterday I got lazy but I hope y'all are enjoying this so far and tysm to all the people that read these stories love y'all bye!🫶🏼

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