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I watched the crowd gather in the courtyard. People screaming and chanting. Wondering what was going on I shimmy my way past some people into view.

Denis walked around with his fists pumping in the air. Another kid on the far side wiping his bloody nose. "Who wants some?!" He taunted. An evil grin smeared across his face.

Looking into the crowd we locked eyes. I felt my blood run cold. His body language instantly changed. "You." A snarl in his tone pointing right at me. Trying to back out, I'm quickly grabbed by the group of people surrounding me and I'm thrusted to the open ring. Dines stood in a fighting position. Fists balled and ready to throw. "Come on Wild. I'll let you have the first punch." He sneered.

"Denis, I don't want to fight you." I protested with my arms up to block. Backing away slowly I feel my back hit a wall of people and I'm instantly thrown back forwards. Tripping to my knees. I feel him grab the back of my shirt pulling me back up. "Please–" I had no time to react. The first punch straight to my face, launching me to my back. My head smacked the concrete. The sering pain took over. 

Feeling his presence lean over me. "You're pathetic." He laughed, "Are you even going to try?" Another fist comes flying at my face. "STAND UP! Get him off the ground." I feel his goons grab me up forcing me to my feet. Dines got right in my face. "I see what you are."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I cried. "Let me go!" Attempting to pull away but it was to no avail.

"Yeah you do! Dont fucking lie to me!" He slams his fist into my stomach. I let out a sharp wince.
"Spreading your diseases. Infecting and corrupting people around you. You god-damn queer!" Another punch.

I yelled out in pain. "Lies! I-It's not true!"

Another punch comes bellowing to my face, flinging my glasses off, followed by the words. "All faggets should be burnt at the stake." My head falls limp. I feel his hand grip my chin to look. I could taste blood. Watching him shake his hand out, blood stippled his knuckles. Not sure if it was mine or his. A look of grimace as he clenched his fist once more. "Let him go." Dines barked at his men. I drop down to my knees "DO SOMETHING!"

I feel sudden pain at the top of my scalp as he pulls me by the hair to look at him once more. Anger takes over me and I spit. Red saliva covers his face and he jerks back. I painfully scrambled to my feet and ball my fists up. I was in a losing battle, but I refused not to stand up for myself. As soon as he looked back at me, I hit him with a left hook. Knocking him a few steps back looking away again.

He makes a wiping motion as he turns back. Blood ran from his nose as he smiled with blood stained teeth. "Now it's a fight."

With no second thought I'm tackled to the ground and he just unleashed on me. I try my damnedest to fight back, but he had me pinned.
The the crowd yell and cheered with the occasional homophobic slur.


"HEY!!" A random voice call. "BOYS BREAK IT UP!" A teacher called.

Feeling the pressure come off I tuck my knees to my chest in the fetal position. "Stay away from my fucking brother faggit!" He screamed one last time as the teacher dragged him away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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