Chapter 4: The Mystery Letters

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"It came!" She yells in excitement. "Dragon, it came! It came!" Zoe runs to Draco who laughs at her reaction. His letter came yesterday.

"What a cute reaction." James whispered to his wife. "I just can't believe we missed everything."

"Well. Open it, even though we already know what it's going to say." Draco teases her. Zoe jokingly shoves Draco and opens the letter.

"I'm going to Hogwarts. I'm going to Hogwarts." She sings over and over.

Number Four Privet Drive – Morning

A single owl swoops down onto the Dursley's roof.

"I know that is." Barty sung as he saw the owl. Making Zoe, Draco and the future children laugh.

Kitchen – Morning

Dudley parades about the kitchen in knickerbockers, tailcoat and straw boater, tapping he floor with a knobbly stick, while a teary Aunt Petunia snaps a photo with a flash camera.

"Oh, Vernon, look at him. To think in only a week, he'll be off to Smeltings." Petunia says, getting teary-eyed.

"Proudest moment of my life." Vernon smiles, proudly.

Harry looks horrified. "Will I have to wear that too?" He says with dread.

"You! Go to Smeltings?" Petunia said in shocked. "Don't be stupid. You'll go to state school, where you belong. That there'll be yours, once I'm done drying it."

Harry glances at a tub of grey mud boiling on the stove.

"But that's Dudley's old uniform. It'll fit me like bits of old elephant skin." Harry exclaims.

"Fit you fine enough. Now fetch the post." Petunia shrugs him off and gestured towards the door.

Front Hall – Day

Three letters lie on the mat. A bill. A postcard. An envelope of yellow parchment. Harry takes all, then stops, staring at the envelope, when is addressed in emerald ink.

Mr H. Potter

The Cupboard Under The Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


"Yay!" Cheers filled the room as Harry looked at his Hogwarts letter.

Harry turns the envelope over, finds a purple wax seal. It is a coat of arms, surrounding a large letter H.

Kitchen – Day

Harry drops the post on the table and sits, staring in quiet wonderment at his envelope. Uncle Vernon takes the postcard.

"Marge's ill. Ate a funny whelk." Vernon informs his wife and son.

BAM! Dudley brings the Smelting stick down hard on the table.

"Dad! Look! Harry's got a letter." Dudley yells as he points to the letter in Harry's hands. Quickly, Uncle Vernon snatches it away.

"That's mine!" Harry exclaims.

"Yours. Who'd be writing to you..." Uncle Vernon's face goes pale. He looks at his wife, who has a similar look.

"The entire wizarding world would be writing to him! He has fans everywhere!" Ron yelled at the screen.

"I never received anything." Harry muttered to himself, but only Ron heard him.

"They would have gone to your magical guardian first, to make sure they were safe." Ron explained.

"Magical guardian?" Harry asked. But he was ignored.

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