Switch Part 2

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Okay, I just want to clarify that this sort of takes place at the Zata strikes Once More, meaning that Ritchie is dead in this one-shot; please don't hate me.


When the time of the GMG was coming, Bethany was walking around Atlantide. She stumbled upon posters showing all four guilds participating in it. The sign that caught her eye was the one featuring Divinous Magia.

As she looked at the poster, a fellow citizen approached her.

Citizen: why hello.

Bethany: Oh, hey.

Citizen: I see your interest in the GMG. I can tell that your favorite is Divinous Magia. Mine's the Protectors.

Bethany: Oh, my favorite? Oh yes, they're my favorite.

Of course, she was lying. But she had to. She didn't want him to suspect her.

Citizen: nice! So which one is your favorite?
Bethany looked at the poster and saw a bluenette girl.

Bethany: her.

The man looked closely and recognized the girl.

Citizen: Blake? I heard she's another dragon slayer. She used to be a C-class mage, but due to something that happened last year, she was pumped up to an S class.

Bethany didn't know what the C and S class meant, but she had already lied to him, so she must keep up the act and keep lying.

Bethany: Last year?

Citizen: Oh, you don't know? Last year, they first fell with their guild leader's death, AKA one of the Diablos Twins: Ritchie Diablos. After that, the whole city was attacked by dragons. But I heard that she saved us by unlocking a new form.

"A new form. Interesting." Bethany looked down and stared at the lacrima.

Bethany: Tell me more about this new form of hers.

Citizen: I would, but I don't know much about it. We were in the safe zones. The only ones who know are the guilds. And if we are interested in this new form, let's pray she uses it in the games.

Bethany: Yeah....

Citizen: I can show you the best seats in the arena. The ceremony is about to start!

Bethany: Okay,

Both went where the ceremony was going to be held. At the same time, everyone was sitting and ready for the fights in the back rooms. All the first-round fighters were getting ready.

Lucas was walking around and saw his girlfriend.

Lucas: Hey, Blake!

Blake: Oh hey...

Lucas: You look nervous

Blake: What? I'm not.

Lucas gave his girlfriend a stare that clearly stated, "I know your lying" Blake noticed.

Blake: Okay, maybe a little... he he he.

Again, Lucas gave her the stare.

Blake: Okay, fine! I'm terrified!

Lucas: *sigh* you are hopeless.

Blake: Hey! Last year they did it in Wool color! This year they didn't give us anything, meaning we don't know who were are fighting!

Lucas: You make a good point. They made the first round 2 v. 2, so you don't have to worry. I'll be fighting beside you.

Blake then gave Lucas a poker face.

Blake: You do realize that David was the one who put us in a team together just to mock us?

Lucas: Yeah, you're right. Come on; we should go. The games are about to start.

Blake: *wining* I don't wanna!


Skull Lover: *Breaks a wall out of nowhere* THAT'S MY LINE!

JakTsu3: *holds Skull Lover back* Okay, that's enough of you breaking the fourth wall. Nothing to see here! Let's just get back to the story.


Lucas did not hesitate and just pulled Blake toward the entrance of the arena where they were fighting.

While all the fighters were ready, Miss P. was about to begin the games. While they were doing that in the seats, Bethany glanced at the arena and saw a small bluenette. A sinister smile was forming on her face.


The crowd blasted out in cheers. This annoyed Bethany a lot.

Miss P.: THIS YEAR'S FIRST ROUND WILL BE 2 V. 2! On the left side, we have for the Protectors guild...MANIA AND KAY! And from the right side, this is interesting for Divinous Magia, and we have the two Love Birds.... BLAKE AND LUCAS!

Bethany: Love birds? As if she's dating someone.

Lucas: It has to be girls.

Blake: Huh? Well, you look at that, this will not be hard for me at all.

Kay: Hey Lucas! You better go easy on us.

Mania: Mario said if I end up with a scratch, he'll kill that person.

They said that to mock him for being the only guy with them.

Lucas: I'm blaming David.

Blake giggled, went to Tippie's toe, and kissed Lucas' cheek, making him blush a little. Bethany saw her action.

Bethany: Wait, she's dating someone. Well, this will be much more fun...


Sorry, it was short. This is the only thing I got from my only brain. What are your guy's theories can't wait to read them? Take care, my little Dark Roses. I'll smash my head on the table. Also I noticed that I've been putting this on the wrong book oopsie I'll be posting this again over on the FTO oneshots. Oops.


ords: 864

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