Arc 1: A World of Sand, Chapter 7: Memories

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Chunshui street is not very far from Yanjia Lane, it can be reached on foot.

The rain is still falling, the dark clouds are thick, and the boundary between day and night is no longer clear.

Whether it was affected by the typhoon or the murder case, Chunshui Street was sparsely populated and only a few shops were still open.

The rain has washed over the street, again and again, the bloodstains have long since disappeared, the ground is very clean, and the air has become fresh.

So refreshing, it makes one just want to slow down.

Lin Chen did not hold an umbrella and walked very slowly. Xing Conglian held a black umbrella and followed behind him.

For some reason, Xing Conglian always felt that Lin Chen should be very young. Although Fu Hao always called him senior brother, he seemed to be younger than Fu Hao.

He was obviously still at the age of just graduating from college, but he behave like an old monk, indifferent to everything, without sadness or joy.

He can make assumptions calmly, can lie quietly under the corpse alone, and even come out without any change in his expression.

Therefore, Xing Conglian wanted to know what was going on that could make Lin Chen move.

The two walked very slowly. When they reached the fruit stall where the incident happened that day, there was no one there, and the shutters were pulled tightly.

Lin Chen stood at the place where Yu Yanqing stood that day.

At this moment, the clouds are dense and the rain is heavy, but the situation that day was not like this.

At that time the sun had not set, there are many people on the street, and there is some fishy smell and fragrance in the air.

Then, all of a sudden, the riot started, all eyes were on the crazy fruit stall owner. They watched the crazy stall owner slash innocent women with a knife, and no one noticed that behind them sat an old man who had been dead for a long time.

When the woman pounced on the door of the store and the old man fell silently, the fear of death was magnified indefinitely. Everyone seemed to be strangled by a pair of invisible hands. They were no longer bystanders but became a witness.

If Yu Yanqing was the murderer, why did she do those strange things in the mortuary, and why did she watch this scene here?

If the murderer was someone else, who is he? What did he want? What did he see here?

Lin Chen raised his head slightly, closed his eyes lightly, and let the sporadic rain fall on his face.

Seeing this scene, Xing Conglian felt a little uneasy, he looked left and right and patted Lin Chen on the shoulder.

Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

Xing Cong pointed to the surveillance camera at one end of the street and said, "This surveillance camera was installed a few years ago. It is said that it is for the safety of the merchants, but in fact, it is just for show." Then he pointed to another camera, "The one on the other side has long been broken."

"Is there no surveillance coverage in the park and mortuary?" Lin Chen asked.

"The park is too big, there are always blind spots for surveillance, and the mortuary...even if it is installed, no one dares to look at it."

"Then, there is a problem." Lin Chen paused and said, "The criminal seems to know the locations of the cameras very well, and can always escape the surveillance when committing a crime. Then why Yu Yanqing is always caught by surveillance. Isn't that weird?"

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