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"i just wannabe yours..."

A/N: HUSH IT WAS THE BEST I COULD FIND😭 its lowkey cringe

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A/N: HUSH IT WAS THE BEST I COULD FIND😭 its lowkey cringe

y/ns pov:
me lilah and robin get back to the house and we all enter the house and run upstairs i sit down with lilah in my lap and then robin says " hey finn, can i see you downstairs" finn says "yeah robin ofc".

robins pov:
when me and finn get down stairs i turn to him and ask him " you wanna go to the store with me i think i'm gonna ask out y/n but ima get roses a necklace and a huge poster board to ask her bc she deserves the world" he yells " OF COURSE" i cover his mouth quickly and whisper yell "SHHH SHE CANT KNOW YET" finn then says "oh right mb mb" so we go upstairs to tell the girls we are gonna be back, y/n gets up and hugs me n says "okay be safe ima miss you" so i hug her back making the hug last a lil longer and i say "i will hermosa and ima miss you too" so me and finn go downstairs and quickly go out the door we try to get there as quickly as possible i then ask "hey finn can you go grab a large poster board and a pack of sharpies" finn agrees and runs over to get those i then rush over to the flower section and get her a bouquet of red roses bc i remember her telling me those were her favorite. a few seconds after that finn comes over with the poster board and sharpies we go over to the jewerly section and pick out this necklace

 a few seconds after that finn comes over with the poster board and sharpies we go over to the jewerly section and pick out this necklace

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we go to the check out and pay for all of this then out side we open the sharpies we set the poster board down. (i forgot to mention they got extra roses and glue and scissors) i then write in cursive "𝑌𝑛 𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑚𝑜 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑜 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑜, 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑠 𝑒𝑙 𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑜 𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑖 𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑎?♡︎" and i cut the stem off some extra roses and glue them around the poster board and finn texts gweny to have her camera ready to take a video we rush home and her brother is there he's walking in and i ask him " sir two questions can i have the honor of having your little sister as my girlfriend and can you call your dad so i can ask him aswell?" zachary then says " ofc you can and yes i'll call him right now" as he pulls out his phone as calls their dad he then answers as zachary hands me the phone i then say "hello sir it's robin and i'd like your permission to have the honor of calling your daughter my girlfriend sir i love everything about her and i will do anything to protect her at all costs" he then says "after what you just told me of course i give you the honor" i say "thank you so much sir" as he hangs up i hand zachary his phone back then i tell finn to go knock on the door zachary pulls out his phone and starts recording

Y/ns pov: i hear a knock at the door and i pick up lilah and me lilah and gwen rush down stairs gwen pulls her phone out as i open the door and i see robin standing there with roses a necklace and a poster board saying that "he loved me since second grade and asking me to do the honor of being his girlfriend" i literally start crying i set lilah down and i kinda run over to him he hands finn the roses, necklace, and poster board as he opens his arms as i run and jump into his arms crying my eyes out he just holds me and says "i love you hermosa" i say " i love you too" he just spins me around until he stops and lets me down he then hands me the  roses and the necklace and then say "so what do you say mi amor?" i squeal " OF COURSE" as i take the the roses and necklace and i ask robin if he can put the necklace on me he does and i love it i smell the roses and they smell so good i hug robin again because i'm literally sobbing at this point like i'm so happy rn then zach says "robin if you hurt her istg it's your life." robin says "sir i'd never hurt her" as he kisses the side of my head we all go inside i ask robin, gwen, and finney if they wanna finish the movie they all agree and zach overheard and so he insists to watch lilah we all go upstairs to finish the movie after the movies over it's about 5:10 pm robins asleep while i'm in his arms and finney is also asleep so me and gwen just look and eachother i gently get out of robins arms without waking him up i gently kiss him on the head before signaling gwen to the hall way then we quietly shut the door and i ask her " do u wanna go to the park or sum bc they'll probably be asleep for awhile?" gwen says "sure" so we rush downstairs and i ask zach "hey could me and gwen take lilah to the park the boys are asleep" he says "yeah just be home by 8 only bc you know lilahs bedtime is 8:30" i hug him and say "thank you and alright!" he says "you have your protection lanyard right?" i say "always" then gweny picks lilah up and i put astro on his leash then we head to the park. when we get there it's about 5:30 we let astro into the dog park area and let him play his dog friends and their owner is there and they suggest me and gwen go have fun with lilah and they'll watch astro so we say "thank you so much!" then we start heading to the ice cream shop across the street

we post that in our story's and then i ask "lilah what flavor would you like my love?" she says "cotton candy!" i say alright then i get cookies and cream and gwen gets strawberry we pay and as we are walking out robin texts ne and says " heyy you...

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we post that in our story's and then i ask "lilah what flavor would you like my love?" she says "cotton candy!" i say alright then i get cookies and cream and gwen gets strawberry we pay and as we are walking out robin texts ne and says " heyy you got ice cream without uss? and your their with sweet lilah practicing for when we have our own perfect princess without me ?😠" i laugh and show gwen the message she laughs and says "i mean hey they can still come here" then i say "oh yeah your right" i text robin and say "i'm sorry my loveee you guys can still come here we are at the park right up the road" he says " we are on our way right now" about 5 minutes later robin sees us and runs up to lilah and swoops her up and says "hi princess!" i jokingly say "oh wow sO iTs hEr oVeR mE nOw?" he sets lilah down and hugs me then gives me a small kiss on the cheek and says of course not hermosa she's just a princess too" then he goes back to holding her as we all go over to the park robin asks lilah "where do you wanna go?" she points to the swings n says "swings please!" (lilah is like 2 and a half so imagine her voice like high pitched kinda) he takes her over there then gently puts her in a swing he then starts pushing her gently then finney whispers to me " you wanna try and fit in one of those swings with me?" i whisper back "bet" me n finney rush over to the baby swings and we try to get in we end up getting halfway in then we hear a security guard yell "HEY GET OFF THOSE RIGHT NOW!" he starts running towards us so me and finney quickly get out and hop the fence then start running the security guard keeps chasing us then i say to finney "there's a pond up here if you don't have your phone or anything let's just jump in!" he then says "luckily i don't have that" so we run a bit faster as we approach the pond then jump straight in! the security guard catches up and says "don't ever do that again" me and finney look at eachother and laugh and the security guard goes away me and finney climb out then walk back to the park as soon as robin sees us he immediately questions us "are you guys okay? why are you guys wet? did that security guard push you guys in the pond?! bc if so i swea-" before i cut him off by kissing him and saying "nono me n finney jumped in".



𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠&lt;3 robin x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now