You couldn't be sure about it.
Not about Bucky.
Not him.
Everyone else - maybe.
He was slowly opening up.
Which he never did except for a few people.
He trusted you with his nightmares and had slept next to you.
He trusted you.
He said he loved you.
He didn't love anyone for ages.
Would he ever find someone who could understand him like you did? You had a few similar experiences. It's nothing he could just casually talk about with a stranger.
Nor could he explain his past before Hydra easily, probably people would think he was joking.
And he'd be hurt all over again.
Building up more walls, if the upcoming ones would even ever get lowered.

No, he'd be okay. He is strong. He can do it. It's okay to die. Don't die worrying, you thought.

Oh, hell you'd worry your whole non-existence if it would help him.

But it wouldn't. Just stay calm. Leave.
End it.



Oh, god hell no.

These losers would blame themselves and they all would break up with each other, you heard EQ saying.



The tension and sadness were unbearable in the waiting room. There was no need to stay but they did anyways, they couldn't leave you just yet.
Because if they'd go, it would get real and no one wanted that. So they stayed.

Tony flew back to Pepper who tried to be there for him. Being drunk and throwing a glass angry at the wall Pepper walked up and hugged him, saying everything would be alright.
"It won't", he said, "I suck, I failed." "You don't and it shows. You care." "How am I supposed to protect anyone if I couldn't help someone this strong? She was Hydra's greatest weapon yet she died!", Tony yelled and rested his hands behind his head, pacing around.
Pepper knew it wasn't just about that. She knew you had gotten family to him and she was sad to never be able to meet you.
"Let us head back to the others. I think it'd be better if the Avengers would get through this together", Pepper suggested. "I don't want to. I don't want to see these sad faces rubbing in my face how much I failed", Tony said and avoided Pepper who tried to grab his arm so he would finally stop pacing around and calm down.

Bucky was crying when he saw the doctor coming back and walking up to him. He didn't want to stand up, he was too sad for that, so Steve did it out of respect.
"I wanted to talk to you about the surgery earlier", the doctor began and Bucky scoffed, thinking why he even bothered coming back and talking about your death.
Steve nodded and the doctor kept going: "Well, there were a few complications, she had lost a lot of blood, and her injuries were pretty severe. I guess it happened in a mission? Or do the police need to be involved?" He looked at each of the Avengers. "Yeah, we've been on a mission", Steve replied and the doctor nodded.
"Good. It's protocol, so I'm sorry for asking." "Don't worry, we get it", Steve assured. "However, her heart stopped beating and we tried to get her back but without luck hence I wanted to talk with you about a grief counselor."

While Tony avoided being looked after by anyone, he got a call. "I don't want to answer it, decline!", he yelled at F.R.I.D.A.Y. "Sir, it's Steve Rogers", the AI replied. "I don't care", Tony mumbled. "F.R.I.D.A.Y please accept the call and put it on speaker", Pepper said and Tony sighed dramatically annoyed, rolling his eyes.
"Stark, here is Rogers", Steve said. "Hey, Steve. Tony is listening, you're on speaker", Pepper explained. "Oh, okay. I get it." Steve got interrupted by Tony: "I don't care, just hang up. Leave me alone." "I think you might want to hear this." "I don't, old man. Leave me alone now", Tony said and got another drink.
"She's alive", Steve said and Tony dropped the glass which shattered on the ground.
"This is a really bad joke, Rogers. You're crossing a line", Tony said angrily. "It's not a joke. Just get here and see it yourself." "Don't." "What?" "You just want me to join your crying circle. You're crazy. Stop it."
Steve sighed and said: "The doctor came back and told us that her heart started to beat again. She was dead so he came up to us but got called in right after. We thought it was because of another emergency but... it was her, Tony. He had to run back because of her. But they don't know if she'll be okay yet. She is stable and they put her in a coma but that's all they could tell us. We have to wait for her to wake up now."
Tony was overwhelmed and didn't know if this was true or not so he just stared at Pepper in silence. "We'll come along", Pepper answered, knowing Tony wouldn't get out a word.

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