"Not exactly. The women came eventually but what the club needed was some raw new taste. Something that would bring in money regardless if women would be migrated in or not" Megan explains knowing he got the point but in case he didn't.

"So you decided the club needed drugs. So your Queen pin in this game?" Donte asked. He was interested in Megan's occupation. By the way she made it sound she was fully connected and that meant a lot where he stood. A whole change in lifestyle if he was correct about who she really was.

"No. I'm just a woman who knows how to use her professional connections to get things done" Megan corrects. She was still keeping herself protected. Donte knew she wasn't going to just drop her guard because she needed him. She could find someone else for the job, and he wouldn't really care, except then he would lose his chance at The BLACK MAFIA.

"Even giving me the round around. So okay your not going to tell me much can see that, but tell me this, I heard him saying he was already 'under protection' this meant he was paying someone already to make sure nothing happened to him or his club. As for example 'The Black Mafia' getting a chance to extort him. Tell me are your people the one's who has this business under protection?" Donte questions. He had a feeling that he was on point with this question, it made sense why she would hire him now. The reason why she wanted him to fix Stewiee problem because fixing it would help her in the end as keeping her bargain of the deal.

Megan nodded in agreement then said, "Yes we are his protection"

"So that explains everything to why you are involved" she nods her head, "Alright I know enough I will handle this problem" Donte replies, "But the price has just went up":


Stacey parks her car in front of her building. She got out the car and stretched. The problem she had recently encountered was now solved and now she was tired and ready to sleep for the rest of the day. She got in her apartment one minute later and locks the door. She strips to her underclothes and proceeds through the apartment. Things were exactly how she left it twenty four hours ago. She picked up her clothes and dumps them in the hamper. She kicks her boots in the corner with the rest of her shoes, sneakers, and boots. She walks over to the couch and laid down. As she was drifting off to sleep she thinks about her father. He was a man that succeeded in many things. She still didn't understand why someone would kill him. It wasn't a robbery, even though she didn't know the whole story. No one did really. She still assumed this one fact, this was not a robbery. "Damn" she says to herself. She got up from the couch and received a drink from the cooler. After she received her beverage, she goes back tot he couch and turns the television. She watches a rerun of 'Good Times' and laughs at Jay Jay putting his old school mac down. The thought of this show bought her back to her dad. This was his favorite show, she changed the channel. As she flicks through the channels she quickly decided that she didn't want to stay in the house.

She calls Tiffany to find out what she was doing. It was three o'clock in the afternoon and the mall downtown Brooklyn didn't close until eight. "You buying me something?" Tiffany asked when Stacey let her in on the plan.

"Chick don't the MiddleWoods pay you beyond your salary? You got money" Stacey say jokingly even though she was serious.

"Yeah, but you are the one who is asking me out. I'm home watching 'Good Times' so again are you buying me something?"

"Yeah, maybe, depends on ow you act when we get there" Stacey replies. Tiffany would buy her own stuff but she would still expect that 'gift' from Stacey.

"You coming to pick me up or am I coming to pick you up?" Tiffany questions. She hated driving downtown, Brooklyn there was never any parking. Don't forget about those bad ass kids that's always jumping on someone's car. It never failed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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