Love in my hands

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I woke up to a bright light directly in my eyes and one of my servants waking me up.
"Master Cyno your father requests your presence"
My eyes were heavy and I wasn't fully awake.
Rolling over I checked my phone.
To early I wanted to go back to sleep but when my father wants I have to go.
Dragging myself out of my bed I followed my servant to my dads study.
As he opened the door my father stared at me with disgust.
"Son could you at least come down here looking nice? You look like you got hit by a bus!?!"
He was already yelling at me this early in the morning.
It made my ears ring.
"Next time you come down here dressed like a man! Alright we have a photoshoot planned for you later today at 1pm. Don't be late or there will be consequences. Now go"
I did nothing but nod my head in shame before sleepily dragging myself to my room.
Getting back into bed but I couldn't sleep.
As I picked up my phone I noticed a message from 5 minutes ago from 'Fenex'.
My eyes lit up and I felt that same warmth in my cheeks as I taped on it hesitantly.
Fenex- Goodmorning Cyno
When was the last-time someone said goodmorning to me.
Lupan- Morning
Fenex- Your awake at this hour to?
Lupan- I had a meeting with my father
Fenex- Sounds serious?
Lupan- No just a photo shoot
Fenex- Oh wow you must be hot then. Can't wait to see for myself.
Fenex- Anyway I'll be going live tonight are you going to come?
Lupan- Yes
I bit my lip to cover my inside squeal and wiggled my legs around.
He was so cute and kind I couldn't handle it.
Fenex- How did it feel lastnight?
My eyes widened.
Lupan- That's way to embarrassing for me
Fenex- We are both men what's so bad?
Lupan- The fact that I'm gay?
Lupan- Usually when I tell people that they banish me. My father has the sick idea of forcing me to be straight by pretending I'm not gay.
Fenex- It's fine have you even read my canstar bio?
I clicked on his profile to be met with his beautiful face but shook my head and read the bio.
'Fenex your local foxy camboy~ '
Oh he likes boys to.
My entire face if it wasn't already red it was a shade that could have been matched to red acrylic paint.
Lupan- You like boys to?
Fenex- Mhm but I have a strict preference
Lupan- Hit me with it?
Fenex- Aha lol sure
Fenex- Tall, Abs, Kind, affectionate, obsessive but lowkey, good dick pref 7+, Sexy.
Lupan- Wow that's a hard range
Lupan- Wdym by good dick?
Fenex- Yk when like you measure it?
Lupan- I've never done that before.
Fenex- Really?? Go and do it?
Lupan- isn't that kinda awkward.
Out of curiosity I lifted my shorts.
What was big and what wasn't?
Fenex- Nope not really every guy does it
I blinked a couple times before dashing off to find a tape measure and coming back to my bed.
Lupan- How is this supposed to work it's not at its full size? How do I make it that-
Fenex- I can help?
I blinked twice.
How can Nari help?
Then I remembered last night when he made it large just from his shirt being off.
Fenex has sent an attachment.
My heart skipped a beat as I shakily tapped the photo.
Eyes fixated on the picture in-front of me it was Nari although he was naked and bent over in a submissive pose.
It definitely worked alright.
I spent around 5 mins just staring at the beautiful figure.
Shiny hair and his eyes seemed to be penetrating my soul.
Fenex- You still there?
Lupan- Yes
I nervously did what he told me to do and read the tape measure before typing.
Lupan- I did the thing
Fenex- Oh really? Wait let me guess
Fenex- 6
Lupan- No
Fenex- 7
Lupan- No
Fenex- 8
Lupan- No
Fenex- wait- 5?
Lupan- No
Fenex- Nvm just tell me-
Lupan- 9.86
Fenex- ....
Fenex- Get in my pants. I mean sorry what?
I gasped at his remark and it made my stomach flip.
Lupan- Is that good?
Fenex- Yes that's fucking good
Lupan- What's the difference?
Fenex- I'm going to have to call you for this because it's hard to rant over text. Plus I wanna hear your voice.
Fenex- I'll keep my camera on though.
'Incoming call from Fenex'
I panicked and my phone flicked around in my hands before I shakily clicked answer.
His camera turned on and he switched his mic on.
"Okay so-"
I turned on mine and spoke up.
"Enlighten me"
I watched his eyes go wide and the intense blush creep up his neck.
"C-Can you speak again-"
His voice was stuttered and nervous.
I smiled and chucked before speaking.
"Like this? And are you okay?"
He fanned his face with his dainty hands and tried to calm himself down.
"Do you need a doctor?"
His arms flicked around as he spoke.
"No no no I'm perfectly fine. Anyway-"
He stroked the hair away from his face nervously before shuffling in his hoodie.
"Well when the dick goes in it's better for it to be larger because then it feels better-"
I was confused but pipped up.
"Goes in where?"
Naris eyes widened before he spoke.
"WHAT! J-Just how sheltered are you???"
"Barely left my room"
"Are you kidnapped??"
"No but feels like it sometimes"
"Hold on I'm sending you a link"
'Fenex sent a link'
I opened it thinking it was nothing but my eyes widened and darted across the screen not knowing what to look at.
"N-Nari what on earth is this"
"Gay porn"
"Y-You casually sent me this?"
I closed the tab and bit my lip.
"Your voice is hot by the way"
"Well thank you?"
"Do you understand what I mean now?"
"Y-Yeah I do"
He shuffled in his seat getting comfortable.
Smiling comfortably he spoke like he was reciting a passage of life or death.
"Some bottoms prefer small dick and others prefer large ones. Where as some prefer average. In my opinion the bigger the better it feels"
"What's big and what's small?"
Nari held the bridge of his nose and spoke.
"Small is like below 4 inches, 5-6 is average, 7-8 is huge and 8+ is just-"
He fanned his face and let out the more adorable giggle.
"Basically you have a good dick"
"T-Thanks? Oh shit it's an hour before my shoot- my fathers going to kill me!"
"Calm down go get ready I'll hang up"
"O-Okay I'll see you later?"
"Yes dumbass"
Fenex has left the call.
I took a deep breath at my recent discovery.
At least I know I have something good right?
My phone pinged.
Fenex- I'll call you after my stream tonight?
Lupan- Sure
I let out this dramatic sigh of gay before covering my eyes with my hands.
Getting up I brushed my hair back and got ready for the shoot.
My heart wouldn't stop beating.
Maybe I had a crush.

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