
"Can I pet her?"

"If she wants to, sure."

You kneeled a bit and reached out your hand for her to sniff it. She sniffed and her tail wiggled happily. You started to stroke her.

"Oh god is she cute.", you said and smiled.

The man chuckled, "I'm Joe by the way."

YOu look up at him, "Y/N. Nice to meet you."

Seth Rollins: You went to a Pierce The Veil Concert with your big sister. She wasn't a massive fan of the band but didn't want to let you go there alone. You arrived earlier than expected so you had time to look around.

"Hey. I'll go get something to drink. Red Bull?", your sister said.

You nodded, "Yes. Please."

She gave you a thumbs-up and walked away. You hummed a melody and took your phone out of your pocket.

"Hey beautiful.", said someone behind you.

You lock your phone and put it back into your pocket. You turned around. A man stood there. He wiggled his brows. He came closer to you and laid an arm around you. You gave his arm away and moved back.

"No thanks.", you said.

"Oh come on sweetie-"

"They said no.", someone chimes in.

The man looks behind you. You also look back. A man with longish, dark-brown hair with a blonde strand was there. He walked by you and up to the man.

"Oh. And who are you? Why do you even care?", the man who tried to flirt with you asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am. And I care because if someone says n-"

Before your "savior" could finish his sentence the man hit him in the face with his flat hand. The man with the blonde strand laughs. He looks up at the other one.

"Is this all you can do?", he asked.

You can see the other man getting angry. He pushed the man with the blonde strand back. He laughed. He flipped his hair back before balling his hand into a fist and punching this idiot in the face.

"What the fuck?!", the man yelled.

"And this is only the beginning. So I would recommend you to get the fuck away from here and leave her alone."

The man mumbled something and left. Your "savior" turns around to look at you.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. There are just too many assholes on this planet.", he apologized.

"Eahm.. t.. thank you..", you stuttered.

"No problem."

"Can I please invite you to a drink? As.. as a thank you."

"No. That's too much. You don't need to-"

"Please. I insist.", he agrees.

You both walk to somewhere where you can get drinks.

"I don't even know who I would thank.", you said and looked down at your feet before looking up at him because he started to talk.

"Colby. And what is your name?"


Dean Ambrose: You jumped up and down in your locker room. It was your first tag team match. Your partner was Nick, also known as Dolph Ziggler. You know him since you were a child. Your parents were friends.

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