"Yeah?" Ponk replied looking at the dishes, washing them.

"Are you able to meet up tonight?" Sam asked.

"Depends." Ponk replied. "Where and when since me and Niki have to do something tonight."

"At around 8 in the garden." Sam replied.

"Yeah, I can do that." Ponk said.

"Alright, I'll see you then Ponky." Sam said hugged behind Ponk.

Ponk smiled up at Sam, "See you Sammy." He pulled down Sam with one his hands and kissed them.

Sam smiled a bit and kissed Ponk back on the cheek. "Bye Ponk."

"Bye!" Ponk said.

Sam went to the door and left. Ponk smiled a bit. "Oh Sam, probably has something planned."
"How did it go?" George asked, when Sam entered the Knights' Quarter, getting his sword.

"Good." Sam smiled.

George smiled. "I wish you luck."

"Heh, thanks." Sam chuckled.

'So, you're aware that Quackity's coming?" George asked.

"Yeah." Sam said. "It's since your two's marriage is coming up and he wants to visit?"

"Yeah." George put on his armor. "I'm ready."

Sam smiled. "Better get ready since we're doing tag teams."

"So basically me fighting multiple people let once?" George said.

"Basically, yeah." Sam said, getting his armor.

"Who am I fighting?" George asked.

"Fundy, Tommy, Purpled, and Eryn." Sam said.

"Oh," George shrugged. "I'll be fine."

"Don't underestimate them, they can fight really well, like you but maybe even better." Sam mentioned.

George looked at the board, between the window and cabinet filled with the armor. It was the ranks. He noticed that Fundy, Tommy and Purpled were ranked pretty high. Only Eryn was ranked a bit lower.

"You aren't kidding-" George let out.

Sam elbowed George. "Told you."

"They really trained a lot before coming here?" George asked.

"Pretty much!" Sam smiled. "Alright, lets go, they're waiting."

"Oh yeah." George tied back his hair. "Ready."

"You need to teach me how to manage long hair." Sam laughed, heading to the door that lead outside.

George followed him. "My hair isn't even that long."

"Well, it's long for my standards." Sam chuckled opening the door and went to the fridge to get out a water bottle.

"Ha, you should see Quackity's." Quackity said.

Sam handed George a water bottle, "His is long than yours I would say." Sam said, taking a sip of water.

"Exactly." Geroge went past Sam. "Come on! Lets go!"

Sam nodded. "Coming!"


"Tommy, that's your third one today." Fundy groaned.

Tommy tossed Purpled the empty coke can, who then crushed it into a flat can, "I'll be fine." Tommy shrugged.

"Yeah, until you get a sugar crash." Eryn said.

Taking My Place || Geroge and Eret, Royalty AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें