A Particular Man for No One In Particular

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A/N: This is set in an alternate universe where everything is fine, and everyone is alive and nothing bad will happen because there has been enough trauma and sometimes you just need to see a ship bang

Sirius had been relaxing in his favorite recliner when suddenly a pile of clothes was dumped on his lap and a very irritated looking Remus was standing in front of him, foot tapping impatiently.

"How many times have I said it?" Remus asked.

"Uhh," he tried to for an appeasing smile, but the man in front of him held up a finger, his mouth set in a firm line.

"How many times?" he asked again, putting emphasis on every word.

"Almost every time I visit," Sirius gave an unremorseful smile as he leaned farther into the recliner. Relaxing himself, despite the sweaty clothes on his lap. His clothes to be precise. Apparently, he had a bad habit of making himself too comfortable. Remus didn't have a house elf to pick up randomly discarded clothes. Rather, he had an elaborate system of bins that were meant for the wearer to discard the clothing directly into. Why he wouldn't just get a house elf or spruce up a spell for the bin the pickup the clothes, Sirius didn't know. But he did know that the werewolf hated when he left his clothes all over. 

"I was going to pick them up after I showered, but I forgot." he shrugged nonchalantly, knowing it would piss off the other.

Remus was already swiping his hand through his hair, a habit he had when he was trying to calm down or lessen his frustration, mostly at Sirius, who watched him intently. There was always a way about how Sirius acted that was like he was waiting for something. For years, he acted like this. It was almost like he was leaving hints to something, but something he didn't even know the answer to.

It was maddening. Remus was mad. Furious even. At all the little hints that he has been picking up since they were in Hogwarts together. The watching, the playful winking, the suggestive behavior that was just a joke, but wasn't?

Did he want it to be more?

In all the years that Remus had known him, he hadn't figured it out. Was his Animagus friend playing around or was there actual interest there? Heaven knows if Remus was his type. Sirius had a history of dating any and every one and breaking it off faster than you could say Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans. 

But this had been going on long enough. He wouldn't let it continue anymore. One way or another, Remus was going to get Sirius to stop.

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