Chris (story)

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Words: 268

Nobody's POV:
Y/n and Chris were both in his room cuddling up to each other. They have been friends for a long time and than start dating everyone already shipped them so it was no big deal on social media. y/n is actually really nice and will take her time on people even if they don't do it back  y/n is also really caring, y/n can make people laugh

Chris POV: (This isn't really a POV but whatever)
Chris cares about y/n and doesn't let anything, or anybody hurt y/n, use y/n, flirt with y/n, he doesn't what to lose y/n. Sometimes y/n and chris will go on dates .

🌸Sturniolo imagines🌸Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ