chapter one

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Alright guys. I hate these too but I want to give a specific shootout to BlackButler18 she has so kindly helped me out, you should go check out her page and her stories. my main Character is Rue and I have talked to Mea (BlackButler18) and she has cleared me to use it! so no hate mails or something. Seriously go check her out (not like that you nasty nasty people) Alright let me get this story started before I start rambling.....

chapter one

Esmeralda walked around the city, with her goat, in the city of Notre Dame. I followed behind looking out for guards who might be looking for me.Esmeralda was dressed in traditional Gypsy clothes. which her purple, as was I only mine didn't have the corset and it was blue. I looked around and I see Gypsies everywhere a......
family. I stayed in the shadows as Esmeralda talked to a man in purple, blue, and yellow. They both smiled and laughed. Esmeralda motioned me forward. "Rue come here. I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Clopin King of the Gypsies." I bowed me head. " Voture Majestè" I said ever so quietly. He smiled. there was a chipped tooth, and yet it suited him. my breathe got caught. a tug on my heart. "clopin will do, Mademoiselle." he said. Esmeralda turned to me."clopin has allowed you to stay with us in the court of miracles with me. I must go, Rue stay with Clopin, alright?" I nodded. she kissed my for head. "stay safe both of you." she turned and ran. I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I turned a blue mask was put on me. I was confused. "sometimes I feel comfort in my mask." I smiled and he gave me a silly smile. I felt somewhat calm being around him. He took me to a colorful stand and he stood in the middle. I stood back as I saw all the children run to clopin, hugging his legs, almost knocking him over he laughed and begain.

"Morning in Paris,
the city awakes
to the bells of
Notre Dame.

the fisherman fishes
the bakerman bakes
to the bells of
Notre Dame.

To the big bells
as loud as thunder,
to the small bells
soft as a psalm.

some say the soul of the city's
the toll of the bells-"

I snuck forward,and wrapped my arms around Clopin's waisted. I sung.

"the Bells of Notre Dame."

Everybody turned my way but I didn't care. I really did feel safe near clopin. I felt I could sing again. Clopin's somehow got behind
me wrapping is right arm to my left shoulder, his left hand holding both of my hands as they where tiny. This position felt so normal that I relaxed even more.

"Listen, they're beautiful, no?"

he asked our crowd, I continued

"So many colors of sound,
so many changing moods"

I said in a dreamy voice. his left hand released both of my tiny hands, so I rested both of my hands on the arm that crossed my body to my shoulder.

"Because you know they don't ring by themselves."

he pulled out a mini puppet of himself. it took everything not it laugh out loud.

"they dont?"

the puppet asked.

"No Silly boy.
up there, high
high in the dark bell tower, lives the Mysterious bell ringer."

Esmeralda sung this song I knew the song well.

"Who is this creature?"

I asked.


the puppet echoed.

"what is he?"

I asked the puppet did it again.


"How did he come to be there?"


I smacked the puppet, like many times I have briefly seen Clopin do. the puppet said ow.

"Hush, and Clopin Will tell you. it is a tale, a tale of a man and a monster."

Everybody stared, it was quiet, all the the Gypsies stood behind as back up singing. his mini puppet was gone, his hand grabbed both of mine again.

"Dark was the night
when our tale begun.
On the docks near
Notre Dame"

I could here the Gypsies voices talking to one another.

"shut it up will you"
"we'll be spotted"
"Hush, little one"

I sung the next part, quiet as a whisper, but you could hear everywher.

"Four frightened Gypsies slid under the docks near Notre Dame"

I could the hear the exchanged between the two males, in their own voices, not through Clopin's voice.

"four guilders for safe passage"

"But a trap had been laid for the Gypsies
And they gazed up in fear and Alarm
at a figure who clutch iron as the bells"

I didn't need any help identifying the man who had killed my parents. "Judge Claude Frollo" I aid so silently. Clopin's grip grew tighter a second later.

"the bells of Notre Dame."

I closed my eyes and listened to the story. Pretty much, Frollo killed the poor boys mother, and was killing the baby because of the baby looks. Luckly the Archdeacon stopped him, Frollo named the baby Quasimodo (yeah yeah, it's 12:20 am. I'm tired. no hating.) I be gain to sing again.

"Now here is a riddle to
guess if you can
Sing the bells of
Notre dame
Who is the monster,
and who is the man..."

Clopin joined me as is otherwise Gypsies as I sang. it sounded beautiful.

"sing the bells
Bells of Notre Dame....."

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