7. the third tear

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Louis let out a long dramatically suffering noise, before he leaned down and kissed Harry. Their lips touched shortly, softly. "Stop being so pretty"

"I'll try"

Louis snorted out a laugh before he kissed him again. "I love you" he mumbled over and over again in-between small kisses, being the annoying little shit he was.

Whenever Harry wanted to deepen the kiss, Louis would pull away and grin, teasing him. That was, until Harry grabbed his face and kissed him, really kissed him. Like he wanted to. Louis obviously let him do that, and slipped his thigh in-between Harry's.

After a bit of making out and picnic, they packed their things and found a small pond with their bikes, going for a spontaneous skinny dipping swim. With no one in sight and the warm sun around them, the clear water making Louis' skin glisten in the sunlight, Harry was so, so in love.

He was in love as Louis made a backflip from his shoulders into the water, he was in love as Louis resurfaced, brushed the hair out of his face and swam over to him to kiss him again, he was in love as his back hit the ivy covered stone and his legs wrapped around Louis' waist in the water.

They fooled around until it got dark, then drove back into town, went to the small cinema to see a movie Harry really does not remember the name of. Well, he doesn't even remember what it was about, because they made out in the back of the theatre the whole time. He does remember, though, that they stumbled out of the cinema, just one big giggling mess with their fingers intertwined. They clumsily got their bicycles and just rode through the empty, small and quiet village over cobblestones.

"Wanna get ice cream?" Louis whisper-shouted as they tried to hold hands whilst on their bikes.


Louis grinned and got off his bike again. He motioned for Harry to hold it and tried to find some money in the pockets of his jeans. "I can come with-" Harry started but Louis shook his head and sprinted off, towards the centre of the village, towards the what feels like only ice cream parlour in Holmes Chapel.

Harry only smiled and walked their bikes towards a little tree he could rest them against, leaned against it while he waited for Louis to come back.

Soon enough, there were footsteps, but Harry decided he would have Louis have his moment and pretended not to hear them. A few seconds later, Louis' voice was right by his ear, soft and smiling. "Missed me?"

"Always" Harry replied, the breath hitting his ear sending shivers down his spine. "What did you get me?"

"Strawberry, of course" Louis rolled his eyes as if the mere thought he would get Harry anything but his favourite ice cream was an insult. "And these, too"

He held up a small bouquet of tiny magnolias, beautifully white. Harry felt the warmth rising in his chest as he took both the cone and the flowers. "Thank you"

Louis looked pleased with that and grabbed Harry's arm this time since both of his hands were occupied. "Also I don't get how you choose strawberry ice cream every day while cookies ice cream exists"

Harry only glanced at him for that remark, before dipping his finger into his ice cream and bopping Louis' nose with the same finger, pink cold substance decorating it.

"You fucking piece of-"

Harry laughed loudly and ran off, hearing Louis finish his line of curse words right behind him.

Harry saw it coming, he really did. So he only sighed and smiled as he eventually felt the inevitable; Louis' hands on his hips. He turned around in his arms immediately, as Louis gently pushed him against a wall, crowding him in. "You're gonna regret that"

Louis' house Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora