"Xiao, If you're in our home don't call Yibo 'CEO Wang'" The ex President then gulped his food first before he continues, "Working hard is good but make sure you're taking care of your health too, do you understand Xiao?"

"I understand, Uncle. Thanks for your kind concern"

Kuancheng widened his eyes when his Dada Yibo took his glass of milk and set it down on Xiao Zhan's front. The little Kid just stared at his mama like a lost chick.

Zhoucheng is about to complain but Yibo glanced at him, warning him. More like he's telling him to shut up.

Hence, Wang Zhoucheng just laughed at Yibo through his mind, "This grandpa really pampering Xiao Zhan too much hahaha.. I'll tell this to my honey later"

Xiao Zhan set eyes on the glass infront of him after Yibo putted it down and then to Yibo who is now smiling non stop.

"What is this, Wang Yibo" Xiao Zhan's eyebrows met. This Cub literally doesn't failed to confuse him for his non sense tricks.

"For you, Drink it to gain energy and your weight"

As soon as Wang Yibo said that, all of them including the maid that standing closer behind them bursts in laughter.

Since Xiao Zhan came back, They noticed Wang Yibo glowed differently everyday.

Xiao Zhan doesn't know that him too is laughing already, "Are you being serious?"

Why the hell it turns out that Yibo doing these silly things is making him cuter?

"Hahahahahahaha nice move, my son" The Ex President too almost crying in so much laugher.

Wang Yibo smirked proudly, not felt any embarrassment even abit.

"You're really unpredictable, Yibo" Zhoucheng then shook his head unbelievably as he took back his son's milk and made Kuancheng to drink it as soon as possible before Yibo will take it away again.

Wang Yibo turned his head to Xiao Zhan as he softly smiled at him and fondly says, "Sean, your smile suits you well"

That's the reason why Yibo did a nonsense actions, so that he could hear Xiao Zhan's laugh again. His laugh is like a sweet music to Yibo, Seeing Xiao Zhan in blank face makes him feel desperate to take a glance of his smile again although how crazy it may takes.


Xiao Zhan is currently in the balcony, the cold breeze brushes his skin that made him shivers. The moonlight hits him like he's in a center of a show and the stars shining vividly above him that adding up the beauty of his surroundings.

Below him was Yibo's garden that's now looks like a paradise in this beautiful night. As well as the flowers and trees' leaves are dancing with the wind.

Xiao Zhan then closed his eyes as he breathe the fresh scent of flowers that coming out from Yibo's garden.

Xiao Zhan almost jumped off from the balcony when a pair of arms wrapped his tiny waist.

As expected, It's Wang Yibo, pouting.

"Yibo, could you stop surprising me? I'll get a heart attack because of you" Xiao Zhan doesn't know if he will push him away or let him be.

"Zhan.. I want to ask" Yibo direct to the point said. Somehow, his voice is kind of solemn.

"Hm?" Xiao Zhan then back his attention to the moon.

"After what I have done to you.. do you still love me?" Wang Yibo's voice was cracked at the second last word.

Wang Yibo's heart pumps rapidly, scared that he will gonna hear a hurtful answer from Xiao Zhan.
But how could he know if he won't ask, right?

A Love Can Changeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें