he of the many masks

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"Don't know , nagging you is fun" the guy seated besides Feng Xin answered my question , I wont lie I was surprised by his answer.

"Oh, you have a mouth, I thought Feng Xin spoke for you." 

"Okay seriously what the fuck is wrong with you ? Can"t you just for once not initiate a fight?" Feng Xin said in a rather concerning tone.

Again to my surprise I've never thought he had feelings, I'm getting too many surprises today but not one is a good one.

" I did not , you guys are the ones not willing to leave me alone and anyways can you not look at me while you drive , I don't give a shit about your lives but I do care about mine , so if you don't mind look ahead."

" Whatever."

The entire drive none of us spoke anymore and I liked that , I love when its quiet ,it allows me to observe, not something others would find interesting but I do.

Now the time approached for me to enter the hellish doors of the school, I don't even know how I will go through this , I have no idea , the introductions , the new classes, the new students or new rats , new teachers , anything unfamiliar is scary to me because in order to observe and perceive I first need to interact , so I can try to get answers to my questions. I can very easily adapt to different situations or environments or even people . I can easily make people like me , I just need to observe and assess their likes and dislikes and then I can function according them, its not manipulation is what I think , I'm just making myself understand them more ,its mere observation.

" We have reached , get out Xie Lian." Mu Qing asserted.

"With great pleasure."

Well I don't know what that is but I can always approach them if I face any problem, they can distract me from this horrifying atmosphere.

I proceeded to enter the hellish doors , to the main building , I made my way through the introductions and entered my class. Second Year of high school and guess what ,to my great fortune Mu Qing and Feng Xin both were in my class . Oh well more nagging and interrogation for the entire year , how wonderful.

" HEY!!!! I guess we both are in the same class for the rest of the year and we sit right across each other , so I thought I should introduce myself to you." Came a loud yet somewhat calming voice from right next me as I laid my head down on the table, since it all got too overwhelming for me.

I rose up and was met by a good looking guy , who looked sweet but who knows , you never know what a person is from the inside, its too quick to make judgements. To strangers I never let my guard down , so I always put up the most appropriate mask , the mask of a sweet guy , an understanding guy, that's my mask.

I never enjoy wearing masks , but allowing myself , the one I am beneath the mask , to show or allow myself to show the unmasked to someone and that too a stranger ? Was a question I always knew the answer to and that is Never.

"Hey , its nice to meet you, I am Xie Lian,you can call me Lian."

"Its nice to meet you Lian , I am Shi Qing Xuan , I hope we can be friends." He said with a soft smile on his face , not going to lie out of all the people I have observed his smile seemed the most genuine, the smile of someone who is not afraid to be himself and allows others to be themselves. It definitely left me a bit stunned but dare I won't let that show.

"I hope for the same Shi." 

"I love that nickname , no one ever used that but I'm glad you did." He smiled again but with even a more pure smile than before.

This guy how can he smile like that? How is that even remotely possible? He is smiling like he has nothing to worry about .

"Come on , its break time, lets have lunch." 

"Lets go."

"So you've been in this school for how long Lian?" 

" Well for one year , I just joined this school last year, what about you when did you joi-

As I was about to complete my sentence, I stopped mid sentence ,someone passed me , someone who I don't know but it felt as if I did, my heart rate increased to a point I felt I was going to have a panic attack, who was that ? I just felt their presence, their presence felt like what I felt that night, that night, the night I never want to remember , but they made me remember it so vividly as If I am right there. WHO WAS THAT?? This internal battle would have killed me if it wasn't for Shi Qing Xuan who got me back to my senses.

"Lian, Lian, LIAN !!!"

I snapped back to reality, for the first time I felt something I did not expect , something I did not calculate, something I couldn't understand.

I immediately looked back , but I didn't see anyone , that person disappeared , but why do I feel as if I felt their gaze on me.

"Are you okay ? You looked like you were about to pass out?!!"

"I am okay , sorry about that, hey did you see who went past me right now?" The desperation was obvious in my tone , this person just came in and I am already losing my mask.

"No , I did not , I just know it was a guy, but why do you wanna know ?" Shi QingXuan began to ask me questions something I hated. I hated being observed by others.

"Nothing , lets just go."

I will find whoever you are.

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