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No one tells you how loud the sound of silence is. At that moment I felt like I could hear everything and nothing at the same time.


Discharged? "She was injured, Badly and you discharged her?" Hawks voice rang through the visiting halls. It was the same nurse who helped her. She exhaled, knowing what was going to come. "Yes, she was very determined to get out of the hospital." She told him. "Well thanks for letting me know." Of course she was gone, she didn't like being in the hospital. That showed a lot yesterday. 
Hawks flew around the area that he found her. He perched on a building, shaking his wings; getting the lose feathers out. He sat there for hours. Looking for the women. PING.

Rabbit- yoooo bird brains whatcha doin perched up on that building?

Hawks huffed rolling his shoulder blades, head lolling to the side. A soft thud  followed by an obnoxious voice. "How dare you ignore my text message" She whined. {Pro Hero Mirko} She stood at five feet and two inches tall. Her red eyes were tilted slightly inwards and her long white hair flowed freely down her back to her waistline. She had an athletic body with muscular arms and legs and a shapely figure. Her white eyelashes were particularly long and her skin was tanned. She had a mutant type quirk, it affected her physical appearance by bestowing her with a pair of long white rabbit-like ears pointing upwards with a slight crook and a short white fluffy tail similar to a rabbit's. Her white hair, ears, and tail coupled with her red eyes gave her a resemblance to an albino rabbit. "You didn't even give me a chance to respond"  She rolled her eyes, giving him a slight nudge. "Aw come on, You know I'm teasing you." She said, throwing her arm over his shoulder. He continued to look around for her. He was silent. "Keigo," She was serious "-Keigo, Talk to me. You're acting really weird." Mirko snapped her fingers in front of his eyes. Hawks glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, then went back to staring down at the people. "I saved this one girl from the bomb. She had a peacock quirk....She was really pretty. Like she was perfect. I went to go visit her yesterday but I got kicked out. Today I wanted to go see her, however she was discharged."  Mirko stared. then a huge smirk placed on her face. "So you're stalking her?" Keigo huffed, His wings shaking in his aggravation. God why is she even saying this. He wasn't stalking her, He was just trying to find her again to gift her his card. That's not stalking. Right? Right. 

Found her.


Namali was enjoying her day, there was no red winged hero bothering her. So why did she feel like this? No, she had no reason to feel this way. Arms full of grocery's, she treaded home. Muscles starting to cramp up.  A red feather gently blew with the wind by her feet as she walked. 'ugh my arms are to sore for this shit, damn I need to work my body back up to handle easy shit.' Feeling something rub against her ankles, she stopped and glanced down.  A fucking red feather, of course she was thinking about the man and a mother flipping red feather shows up. Nope. Not today. She kept her stride going ignoring the red feather she left behind. As she got home, she dropped all her groceries buy the fridge, rubbing her arms.  Red marks were left behind. She started putting it away, humming a tune. 


Day 1

Namali looked in the mirror, god she looked dead. Hair was tangled, her feathers messy, and her bandages were lose. She unwrapped the bandages to see her wounds. Would it leave scars? Or would they fade away? She turned on her shower, running her hands under the water testing the temperature. There was no need to thinking like this early in the morning. Steam fogged up the mirror, she winced as the warm water ran over her body. The wounds stinging. It's just a reminding of what happened. A reminder of how weak she was. Her hands running through her hair, the water turning a ugly brownish/red color. Jeez she really went out looking like this? Dried blood had caked her hair. She examined her body, looking for any sign of dried blood. Seeing non she turned off the shower, wrapping a towel around her body. She would need to brush the bird nest she called hair. After a solid 20 minutes of yanking at knots, she was finally done. Black hair strait as can be. Now, she exhales as she stares at her tail feathers, time for her tail feathers. Some were going to have to be pulled out.  Her feathers were elegant. They were iridescent shades of yellow, brown, green, and blue form the eye of a peacock feather. In light, they would shine brightly. Changing color almost. The blue in the eye would change to  luminescent. At will she could make her feathers shaper. Using them as a weapon. Done. Her feathers puffed up, displaying the beauty. It was time to wrap up her wounds, then get dressed. She still had much to do today. Yesterday was exhausting. All she even did was walk to the store and back. Just as she was leaving she saw a red feather on her door mat. Another one? No, It had to be the one she saw yesterday. She must have stepped on it and dragged it all the way home. 

The sun was out, clouds drifting by creating a shadowy spots. Wind blew lightly. She took a deep breath through her nose enjoying the fresh air. Off she goes. 


Hawks ignored Mirko completely once he saw her. He cant let her out of his sight. As quick as he could Hawks let one of his feathers flow her. He flew from building to building. She had noticed the feather at one point, stopped to look at it and carried on her way. Phew she had just dismissed it. He let his feather gently fallow her. "So that's her?" Mirko said. Hawks jump out of his skin. "WHA-uh what?" He stopped himself from shouting out. "She has a elegance in her walk. hmmm" Mirko watch her. "You really are turning in to a stalker." She patted him on the back, a full blown grin on her face. Laughing as he stuttered. "Well, I'll take my leave so you can continue to stalk her."

He left another feather. One at her place, on her doormat. He could feel her stare at the feather in confusion. Through out her day Hawks would make sure everything went her way. She was starting to catch on, maybe he should stop....Nah. The sooner she finds out the sooner he could try to win her. Thinking of them making their own little nest together. A almost silent trill rumbled in his chest. Yes she was defiantly the one. He would fight for her. 

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