As they passed, he held his breath. Thankfully they passed him without saying anything. He let out a sigh of relief when suddenly he felt someone behind him grab his arm. He turned around and it was the same two men in the ski masks.

Jimin pulled out of the mans grip, "Can I help you?" Jimin asked nervously. He felt anxiety kick in and his forehead start to sweat as his heart started thudding against his rib cage.

"Well what do we have goin on here?" The man who had grabbed him said.

"Just out walking," Jimin gulped.

"All alone?"

Jimin nervously looked around. He nodded.

"Hey wait a minute," the other man said, "Isn't this that pretty boy from that band?"

It was at that moment Jimin started to panic. It meant they knew who he was, and with everything going on online right now that scared the hell out of him.

"Hey yeah, it is!" The man took a step towards Jimin, "Boys like you shouldn't be out here alone like this."

Jimin took a step back but the man grabbed his arm again. He tried to back away but couldn't, "Let go of me. What do you want?"

The two of them started laughing as one circled around behind him. Jimin watched him nervously while still trying to escape the first guys grip.

"I was just heading home. Please leave me alone." Jimin realized his own voice sounded small and pitiful. He really wished he had just stayed home in the safety and comfort of his own bed. The man behind him pushed him harshly forward and he stumbled to the ground. He felt the tears begin to well up in his eyes.

"I really don't know what you want. Please leave me alone! Is it money?! Do you want money?! Or you can take this!" Jimin started taking off his rather expensive watch and offered it to them. He was willing to do anything at this point to just have these two men leave him alone.

One of them took the watch and pocketed it, but then immediately kicked Jimin in the ribs.

"Ahh!" Jimin cried as he curled up into a ball. The kick had hurt more than he expected it to. He took a few gasps of air as it had knocked the wind out of him. The man who kicked him grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him back up to his feet.

"Don't do this," Jimin begged through tears. His entire body was on fire with fear.

"Or what? Huh?" the man looked around, "Doesn't look like you have any of your little mates around to help you out. Now does it?"

"I didn't do anything t-to you," Jimin cried. The man punched him in the face so hard he fell backwards onto the ground.

"Hell if I care," the man replied, "Always good to have a little fun once in a while. Wouldn't you say?" the man asked while gesturing to his accomplice. They both started chuckling.

Jimin tried to stand up and run but was immediately grabbed and punched in the face again and he dropped back down. He started begging them to stop and leave him alone, but they didn't listen. They made sure he couldn't get off the ground and started to repeatedly kick him in the ribs and face. He cried out for help but there was nobody around to hear him.

Jimin tried to fight back but he was running out of energy. At one point one of the men pinned him to the ground while sitting on top of him.

"S-stop," Jimin huffed out while struggling to breathe.

"What you gonna do about it, pretty boy? Although once we ruin that face of yours, I'm sure you'll be given other nicknames."

"P-please," Jimin sobbed. He was absolutely terrified. He tried hitting and clawing at the man sitting on him but the man kept pinning his arms back down while the other one would kick him. He started coughing violently. The man then began to choke him and he realized he might actually die like this, and his heart broke over and over again. He didn't want to die.

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