Pt.12 (Bonus 2)

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The first date

Standing in front of my mirror I let out a heavy sigh. It's been a week after I returned home and I couldn't be happier but I am about to go on my first date with Milos and I'm having second thoughts. Not because I don't want to , it's just that I'm really nervous and I have no idea why. He's my boyfriend now I should be excited, apart of me thinks this is the best day ever but the other thinks I should cancel to spare me any embarrassment. This overthinking isn't good for my mental health. I keep checking my outfit every 5 minutes.

(Feel free to imagine any outfit you want)

"Hey love" He says greeting me while I get in the car.

"Hi bubs"

(Some might find it cringe but I'm just gonna go with it since I'm single af)

"You seem nervous" He said after giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Really? I'm fine, I'm actually really excited!" I said, except I lied about the not being nervous part.
I just hope his mind doesn't change about me.

"I am too, and even if you were nervous there's nothing to be nervous about, because I am really into you if you haven't noticed." He said throwing me a smile.

I think he sensed that I dint want to tell him how nervous I really was. I'm very thankful I have someone like him.

The rest of the ride consisted of us talking about random things, singing along to disney songs and talking shit about the teachers and students we don't like.

I fell asleep a couple minutes before the car came to a stop. When Milos woke me up I noticed we were on the side of the road. There were no cars for miles.

"Did we get a flat tire?" I asked confused.

"No, we're at the secret destination I told you about" He said giving me a wink.

Still confused I sat there while he got out of the car and opened the door for me.

He helped me get out. Why would we be here? It's not that amazing, all there is, are bushes and some vines hanging from trees.

Milos took my hand and pushed the vines away so we could go through.


There was a waterfall which led to a small pond and the greenest grass I have ever seen.
I haven't even noticed Milos disappeared to the car while I admired the view. He came back with a thin blanket and two baskets(because we love food so 1 isn't enough). He placed the blanket on the ground and put all the food and when he finished he gestured for me to sit down. I was still amazed by everything, I couldn't ask for anything better.

As I sat down I practically jumped on him to give him a hug.
"Thank you so much!"

"Anything for you love"

After a lot of eating we layed cuddle up together admiring the view(The waterfall and Milos;).

We once again talked about random things and he would whisper sweet nothings into my ear every couple of minutes.

"Y/n?" Milos said breaking the silence.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I love you, like alot and I'm really sorry about everything in the past"

"Milos it's in the past for a reason,we should just focus on the present" I said trying to cheer him up.

He gave me warm smile and embraced me in his arms once again.

"I love you too btw"


Sorry it took so long for this bonus chapter, I just haven't been that motivated to write anything and that's also why it's so short, so I apologize but this is the last bonus chapter.

Thank you for all the support I have been getting on this story, have an amazing rest of the year luvs💗

My bully《Milos Guzel》Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz