Chapter Twelve

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Fun fact: Selenophile is a person who loves the moon.


                                                                  - BLAKE'S POV-

Fuck, fuck, fuck....

I messed up. I leaned outside Taylor's bedroom door praying that she would come out still knowing that it was inevitable. I didn't mean to spew those nonsense, I don't think I was even thinking when I said that. I was just blinded by jealousy and that was some toxic shit.

The shrilling ringtone of my phone in my pocket cut off my thoughts. I shifted from her door going to my room sending one last glance at her room.

Closing my door I answered without checking the caller.

"Hello my sweet friend" I groaned knowing I made the mistake of not checking the caller and answering.

"What do you want Oliver?"

"Well since my best friend didn't remember that he had friends I decided 'hey why not check up on him'?"

I sit down on my bed sighing. "I'm sorry I'll try and call more"

"It's alright just try to call more though Joaquin's missing you too" he said in a feeble voice.

I stay quiet thinking of how Oliver is sensitive like Taylor, I really didn't mean to say those words I guess looking at her talk to that boy made me realize how deeply my like for her is. Every time I am close to her my thoughts are jumbled, I can not think rationally when I'm with her. Just the smoothness of her skin , the fullness of her lips, the sparkle in her eyes when I make hot chocolate for us at night because ever since she started staying with me it has become our thing to take hot chocolate almost every night or the little things I do for her that give her joy, all of it just makes me happy and it hurts to think that one day she will leave or meet some one that she will like or even love.

"Hey dude are you alright" He questioned noticing my silence. I debated on whether I should tell him or not and chose the former. I told him ever thing from taking Taylor in to me making the worst mistake but I didn't tell him about her illness I felt I did not have the right to.

 He kept quiet for a while before he answered. "That's...that's eventful" 

"Really that's all you have to say"

"Hey!, give me some credit this is the first time your life is actually eventful'' 


"Look all I can tell you is to be gentle with her it sounds like she had a rough past but at least get to know her but not the sensitive things just some above the surface stuff so you would know how to deal with her emotions, show her how you care for her feelings and...and don't be afraid to show her your own feelings dude instead of going all hulk and being jealous you can just try to portray your feelings through actions or words. I noticed how you were with her that day and I am proud to say she is good for you bro although I'm kind of angry cause you didn't tell me anything''

"Damn! when did you become a therapist" ignoring the last thing he said.

"You asked I answered".

"I guess I got to fix this through actions cause even god knows if I used my words it will just be nonsense I'll say"

"Yeah" he hummed but I frowned not wanting him to agree with me. We ended the call with him agreeing to help me plan something. I stood up from my bed seeing as it was past one o'clock and went to the kitchen to prepare some thing for Taylor and I, she can be angry with me but that should not stop her from eating. Her health is vital and she needs to eat so she can take her meds. I quickly boiled some rice while multitasking, making an onion sauce putting enough onions knowing Taylor likes it. When I was done I plated every thing taking it to her room. i knocked softly three times and she opened the door with red eyes making me feel more guilty.

"hey...I-I brought you something to eat" I fully expected her to not say anything or slam the door at me face but she did the exact opposite. she smiled allowing me to enter the room collecting the food setting it down on the side table by her bed side.

"I-I'm really really sorry for overreacting earlier, I misunderstood you and you allowing me to stay here is a blessing and I'm sorry if I offended you". Every thing she said was so wrong, she was never at fault for expressing how she felt but I understood her I mean she feels obligated to apologize even when she is not at fault because she is living with me. It hurts me to think that some one had encrypted this in her mind making her believe that every thing is her fault. I take her hands sitting the both of us on her bed. Taking a deep breath I know I would have to tell her how I feel, saying a silent prayer I pray to god that what I say will not make things worse.

"Listen to me what I said earlier was.. was out of jealousy" she looked at me in surprise. "I like you and I couldn't control my feelings and that made me say stupid things. just seeing you with another guy made me realize how much I like you. Don't ever think you are at fault for saying how you feel, you are not a charity case you are my wonder woman, the most strongest girl I know and I thank god every day for every moment that we spend together" By the time I was done she was in tears but was smiling and I returned it.

"I like you too" She said shyly I laughed softly knowing that even though I seemed confident on the outside I was still scared of rejection. 

And I leaned forward recreating our first kiss.

But just a better version.


I know I know your thinking like what the hell .. where have you been....okay maybe your not thinking that but I'll let you guys know that I've been busy and this time is not because of school cause this mama has graduated its actually because I got a job like yay... I'm excited but i know in the next two weeks ill be bored of it but any who hope you peeps are doing great always stay hydrated don't be a ghost reader and just vote cause this book has like 66 reads and only 15 votes like peeps please for the love you have for your mama please endeavor to vote , comment and share and don't forget to follow for updates or any news and check out my other book.

see you peeps whenever....

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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