S2~16: Destiny Guilty

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The attendant tripped over a rock and stumbled to the ground. She was still shaken up but she was relieved that the Oda Army's top generals were at the shrine.

Katsuie cut down another and turned to the attendant. "Head to safety, we'll take care of this." He told her.

"Y-Yes!" The attendant nodded and rushed back to the main temple.

Runa stuffed the Faeries into her bag before rushing over to a familiar silver-purple-haired vampire. "Ranmaru!" She called out.

The said vampire turned to the voice after cutting down an assaulting yakuma with great force. His eyes widened when he saw the familiar raven-haired beauty running over to him. "Runa-san?!" He was shocked to find her in town. Wait, what was she doing in the Oda territory to begin with?! "What are you doing here?!"

"T-T-To p-pray...?" Runa lied. Well, more like tried. And she knew the vampire didn't believe her.

Katsuie clicked his tongue and turned to Ranmaru, only to feel his eyes nearly jumped out of his sockets when he saw the vampire protecting a familiar child. "Runa?! What are you doing here?!"

"T-To p-p-pray..." Runa deadpanned.

"Che! Praying is out of the question!" Katsuie took down a couple more. "Ranmaru! I'm leaving her to you!" With that, he jumped into the horde.

"Understood!" Ranmaru turned to the girl. "Please hide behind me!"

"O-Okay..." Runa nodded.

"Hraaagh!" Katsuie cut down any assaulting yakuma with great force. He isn't letting any escaping from the shrine's grounds.

But more yakuma appeared one after another from the forest. However, amongst the regular weak yakuma, a couple of the powered-up muscular yakuma appeared. Their voices lusting for Astral Powers bellowed in Runa's mind, making the child grab her head in pain. She wanted to block them out, but all it did was cause her more pain.

"Shit!" Katsuie continued to cut down the yaluma, using whatever skill he had to keep the damage to a minimum. However, he was struggling to keep up. There are more yakuma than he can cut down. "Just how many are there?!" He narrowly blocked a claw that came for him. But it that made him notice a yakuma slipped passed him, and was heading straight for the duo. "Kgh! My bad! One's going!" Katsuie shouted.

"Don't worry!" Ranmaru drew his sword and moved Runa to the nearest tree. "Please don't move from here." He instructed before running off to deal with an escaped yakuma. He dodged the yakuma's attack, and as it leaped forward, Ranmaru struck it with a stroke of his sword.

The yakuma slided back a few feet and let out a screeching roar and rushed at Ranmaru again.

"This'll be the end!" Ranmaru declared, raising his sword over his head. "Hyah!" He cut down the yakuma in front of him, not realising it caused some sort of mental pain in the raven-haired beauty's mind.

Then a loud scream resounded the place. "Y-Yakuma?!"

Runa painfully opened her eyes under her blindfold, she turned to the screaming and saw what looked to be the shrine's priest and visitors saw the yakuma, and were trembling from the main temple. 'I hate this already.' "Don't come out!" Runa shouted, raising her voice the best she could over the yakuma's wailing. "Stay in the building - *Cough!*Cough!*" Runa covered her mouth and felt a warm liquid in her palm. When she took a look, her eyes widened at the sight of blood.


Runa looked back, and whether they heard her voice or not, the shrine's people and visitors returned back into the main temple in a panic. 'This is going nowhere... The people will get killed if the yakuma went over to the temple...'

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