Chapter 35

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The sun had begun to set by the time the elves finished talking, hours later. Kai had remained silent for most of the time, despite feeling as though he would burst from all the questions he had. Navare and Saif talked of places and things that Kai had never heard of, expressions switching between happiness and sadness like blades of grass blowing in the wind.

They were trying to summarize a thousand years worth of events, he realized. At times they switched to another language, smooth and elegant, words gliding from their tongues as softly as a feather through the air. The language of the elves. They had not told him, but it was obvious. No other species could possess such a beautiful form of communication.

"Will you help us," Saif asked at last, eyes wary. The elf knew what her answer would be. Even as he spoke, Navare shook her head.

"I am sorry," she said. "But I cannot. Not after what happened...before. As much as I wish to kill Skade, my thirst for vengeance is overridden by my fear. If Ath is truly waking, I must search for elves that have survived, like me. Perhaps...Perhaps my family is alive. As for you not go." She eyed Kai. "Your friend may be important to you, but if you walk into Skade's trap you will die, along with the girl held captive."

Kai grimaced. "I know it's a trap, and that I will probably be killed, but I have to go. I can't leave her to him, no matter what. I have to at least try to save her."

She simply nodded in a way that reminded him of Saif. "Well then, I wish you good luck on your journey."

Saif grunted in agreement, casting a glance toward Kai. "We'd better go," he said. "Your mare is rested; we can travel a few more miles before making camp."

Kai nodded, looking again to the female elf. She sat in that quiet, unnaturally still way that seemed to be common among all of her kind. Navare did not speak, but he could see the silent apology in her eyes, along with a warning. A warning to give up on his mission; to save himself. Kai shook his head, smiling sadly. Then he stood, following Saif toward the door, and the journey that lay beyond it.


They passed Irragon the next day, and Wimborne the day after that. As far as Kai could tell, both of the small villages were completely abandoned, although they did not search them thoroughly.

It was midday when Kai and Saif reached the hills. Kai found himself sweating, fingers trembling as they moved forward. What would he find? What would he see beyond those hills? He had come here before and nearly been killed by The Deceiver's minions. What chance would he stand against the Dark One himself, power joint with Skade's? It truly was the worst case scenario. Not only would he have to pull Harper from Skade's grasp, they would also need to escape through the Deceiver's territory.

He looked up, to where Saif ran ahead of him. The elf could have undoubtedly gone faster, if Kai was not holding him back. Although fear gnawed at Kai's gut, he was glad that Saif was here with him. There was no one that he trusted more—and for good reason. Even without magic, the elf was the strongest being Kai had ever known. But with it? Kai did not know what to expect; he knew only that Saif would give his all, both to help Kai and to avenge his fallen brothers and sisters.

Before them, endless green fields gave way to rolling hills at once. Again, Kai was perplexed at the beauty of it all, and saddened at the prospect of it all being torn down and turned into a battlefield.

Kai pushed Lunar forward, speeding between two massive hills as a small stream wound its way beside them.

Why are these hills here, anyway?

It was strange, to be sure. He had seen towering mounds of earth scattered around Ath, but none like these. The hills within and surrounding The Deceiver's territory felt...different. They were too perfectly round, too similar in shape and size. Something was off.

Before long, the temperature dropped by several degrees. A chill snaked its way down Kai's spine and he gasped, that distantly familiar feeling returning. Cold, pressing in on him, forcing the air from his lungs. They had arrived.

Kai pulled Lunar to a stop as Saif swore beside him.

"Wards," the elf said. "Powerful ones. They know we're here."

Kai nodded his understanding, face grim. He had expected as much. When he had come here with Harper, The Deceiver's minions had found them quickly—too quickly. They could have simply been patrolling the area and detected Kai and Harper by chance, Of course it had been magic.

"Where do we go now?" Kai asked.

Saif shrugged. "I've never been here before. I would guess that the Dark One's are in the center of this land. If they aren't..."

Kai nodded. They were running out of time. Perhaps Skade would keep her alive and healthy, or perhaps he would grow bored. Perhaps he would torture her while he waited for Kai's arrival, or even kill her. Kai could not guess the Dark One's thoughts, but there was no doubt that the sooner he found Harper, the better. For her, at least.

He spurred Lunar forward, noting the tension in her muscles, the stiffness of her stride. She had felt the effects of the wards, too. Maybe she even remembered her last visit to this terrible place. Either way, Kai pitied her. He ran his hands through her long black mane.

"It'll be okay," he said. "We'll rescue her and go home, and be happy, and safe."

Lunar did not respond as they sped past hills and over streams, hearts pounding as their destination grew near at last.

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