The ones who watch.

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The Ones Who Watch.


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I try to seek,

I try to find

A brand new me.

I hear their shouts,

I hear their cries

But do I do something?


But I still hide.

They're the brave souls

Who go through that mess,

And I am the weak one

Who hides from it.

I stand and shout,

But it's not enough

Their souls are drained

With a soft,

Plunk, plunk, plunk.

It's not my fault,

But I still feel worse

I could have done something

So I'm just like the curse.

I fear their shouts,

I fear their cries

But do I do something?


I only hide.

I can clean the wreckage,

I can mop the floors.

But I can't take back,

What I did before.

I can just watch,

As you lay broken on the floor.

Beaten and shattered,

By words and more.

I feel so helpless,

Like you once did.

Before I dialed the number.

And it all seemed to end.

You were one of the few many,

I was able to help

There are thousands and thousands of homes

Where the under hand is dealt.

The ones who live there

Are kept in secret.

They are hidden behind closed wars.

But there are no execution for bystanders

I should have helped with their fears,

but i couldn't find the courage. 

so i feel as if i'm one of the ones who watch.

The ones who watch.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ