Chapter 013

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Chapter 013

    Their wishful thinking was clever, but how could Qiao Yunhuan, who died once, make them wishful?

    Early the next morning, for this audition, Qiao Yunhuan woke up before dawn and had breakfast with Lu Jingwen at Lu's house.

    "Little Qiao, have you had breakfast yet? Don't forget that you have an audition this morning. Get ready. I'll arrange for a driver to pick you up at eight o'clock." But as the agent Tang Fei, he called Qiao Yunhuan with due diligence at the first time and informed her of today's arrangement.

    When Qiao Yunhuan heard Tang Fei's voice, a smile immediately evoked her lips: "Okay, I understand."

    Although she had already made up her mind to change her manager to teach Tang Fei a lesson, it was not enough to play with Tang Fei before that. It 's not impossible...

    Since he thinks that he is easy to coax and deceive, he is a pure idiot, a fool, she will let Tang Fei see if he can still calculate him in this life.

    At eight o'clock in the morning, the nanny car arranged by Tang Fei arrived at the door of Lu's house on time.

    Xiao Yu, Qiao Yunhuan's assistant, was already waiting in the car. When he saw Qiao Yunhuan, Xiao Yu immediately said enthusiastically, "Have you eaten, Miss Qiao? We will go to the audition site immediately. How are you preparing? "

    I've eaten it, and I feel pretty good now, how about you? Have you eaten yet?" Qiao Yunhuan still likes Xiaoyu quite a bit.

    Xiaoyu smiled and the corners of his eyes curled: "I've eaten it too." The

    car drove fast, and the group soon arrived at the audition site for "Son of Heaven".

    Tang Fei had been waiting at the scene early. When he saw Qiao Yunhuan coming, he immediately greeted him and asked with concern, "Little Qiao, how are you preparing for the audition? Are you sure?

    " Broker's appearance.

    "I'm well prepared. I'm quite sure about this role." Qiao Yunhuan was not a conceited person, and he wasn't very sure, but when Tang Fei asked her like this, she wanted to show confidence.

    Sure enough, seeing Qiao Yunhuan's confident look, Tang Fei's expression changed slightly.

    Although I couldn't tell if I didn't look carefully, Qiao Yunhuan knew that he must be unhappy after careful observation...

    His artist is very confident in the audition, but as an agent, he is not happy. Qiao Yunhuan takes it seriously. I don't know what sin I did in my previous life to have such a broker.

    However, it doesn't matter anymore, she will soon make Tang Fei pay for what she has done.

    Tang Fei didn't show his face, and only ordered her a few words: "That's good, you prepare well. There should be no accident in this role."

    Because Qiao Yunhuan had a dispute with him before, his attitude towards Qiao Yunhuan was not good. It was not as warm as in the previous life, and even personally delivered the milk tea with the seasoning to her. Just after a few words, she left Qiao Yunhuan to do her own business.

    When Qiao Yunhuan saw that he didn't bring him that cup of milk tea, he thought that Tang Fei had changed his routine in this life, and he didn't use the trick in his previous life to harm her.

    Just wanting to experience it, what great tricks does he have in this life.

    At this moment, Xiao Gao, Tang Fei's assistant, took milk tea into the door of her lounge: "Sister Qiao, Brother Tang just asked me to buy you milk tea, which is your favorite one, audition later. You have to work hard."

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