"Hello!" He says picking the call.

" Yes Mahir... Kaam ho gaya.. 50% done.. the rest will.be done by tomorrow evening!" Says Vikrant from the other side.

" Great! Just keep everything ready and book tickets for four after 3 days!" Mahir instructs as he nods instinctively.

" Ohk! When are you coming?" Asked Vikrant when he looks at Bela who sat there between all the girls lost in her own world.

She had no smile on her face like others did. She looked least interested in all of these. She sat there blankly clearly not having anything to do with all these . He felt bad to see her like this after all he loved her the most.

" I'll be back in a while." He replies and hangs up.

He decides to do something to get Bela out of that sad mode. Ofcourse making her happy was next to impossible because of the current events in their life. But he could atleast annoy and tease her which would get back her fiesty side .

" Watching you annoyed at me is far better than watching you lost and sad!" He says smiling as he makes his way taking a glass of drink from the waiter towards her.

She didn't noticed him till now as she continued to look at the grass . The girls looked at him as he was just some steps away from them when he again deliberately tripped and the drink fell on Bela.

" Woo!!" The girls looked shocked while he rested his hand on either side of her waist bending slightly. The glass fell down breking into pieces and Bela's trance broke as she looked at Mahir whose face was inches away from her. He was leaning on to her.. the sides of his hand touching her bare waist. She felt liquid all over her lap , bare stomach and chest dropping towards the valley of her breasts.

To say she was annoyed would be an understatement. Mahir could literally imagine smoke coming out of both her ears as her face turned tomato with anger.

" What's wrong with you?" She yelled pushing him off her but he wast strong enough not to fall as he stood straight stumbling before that .

" I'm so sorry Bela.. I .. I just tripped!" He said with an apologetic look .

"Damn it! My dress is ruined!" She hissed feeling the wetness all over her bare stomach and chest.

" Are you alright? Oh god what's wrong with uoh Bela? He just tripped right now and all you do at first is yell at him?" Rosa scolded her as she sticked up to Mahir.

Bela glares at her and stomping her foot leaves from there.

" I'm so sorry on her behalf!" Rosa appologised holding his shoulder when he gave a charming smile melting all the girls sitting there.

" It's fine.. umm I'll just go and help her out as I'm the one to cause the mess!" Mahir says smiling nervously.

" Sure! Just go inside the mansion.. step upstairs and take the right turn. She must be in the third room!" Rosa instructs and he nods and walks inside.

He follows the direction he was instructed and stand before a huge bed room which belonged to Bela. He saw the room door open and Bela was getting inside the washroom.

"My Priceless Possession"  (✅)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin