"Yes, now get over here so I can stop you from bleeding out."

"Fuck off Steve."

"What'd I do?"

I whipped around in my chair to face him. "This is your fault, Steve. I had it under control and you stopped me from getting the guy. If you hadn't come in there and grabbed me I would've stopped him. But no, Steve Rogers had to save the day again even though you just fucked it up for me. Now I have a giant hole in my shoulder and I'm going to bleed out on a jet in the middle of nowhere." With each sentence, my voice got louder and louder until I was yelling

"I was trying to save you, if you hadn't charged him again then he wouldn't have shot you. Nat and I had a plan, you just needed to be out of the way for five seconds. That's your fault, Ana. I didn't get you shot, you're own inability to plan or listen or be patient got you shot."

I stood out of my chair and quickly crossed the jet toward him as I pulled one of my swords out. He didn't react when I pushed him against the wall with a blade against his neck, he just stood there with his hands raised as he stared at me. "If you would've just let me be and trusted me then we would've been fine."

"Or you would've been dead."

"Sometimes I really hate you, Steven, I ought to push this blade clean through your neck."

"Go ahead and try, I dare you. You won't be able to."

He pressed forward, making the sword dig into his neck as he challenged me. I saw blood running down his neck and I pulled back from him. "You two are insane," Sam said as he looked back and forth between us

"Sit down before you bleed out, you can tell me how much you hate me and try to kill me later. That's assuming you live of course."

I huffed and put my sword away before I sat down on the medical cot and rested my head against the wall. "Just hurry up and get it over with." I groaned

"I need to be able to get to your shoulder."

I unzipped the front of my suit slightly more so I could put it down over my shoulder, careful not to let any of my scars show. The one I forgot about was the brand on the back of my shoulder, the same shoulder I'd just been shot in. I squeezed my eyes shut as Steve held pressure against my shoulder to stop the bleeding before he started cleaning the wound. "Holy shit that hurts," I whined as he cleaned the back side

"Hold still." he scolded

"I'm trying."

He stopped cleaning for a second and I was about to fuss at him to get it over with when I felt his finger brush over the brand mark. "What the hell?" he whispered softly as he pulled away to look at me

I didn't meet his eyes, I looked down at my lap. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing, is that a brand?" his voice was still hushed

"Yes, courtesy of Hydra."

"Ana." I hated how sad and sympathetic he sounded

"I don't want your pity." I snipped

"It's not pity, I'm sad that someone did that to you and I wish I could undo it and everything else done to you."

I didn't respond to him, I just closed my eyes again and focused on not punching him in the face as he cleaned the wound. Once I was all patched up I laid down and tried to take a nap but I was distracted by what Steve had said. He had left me to go talk to Sam and I didn't expect him to come back but he did. I pretended to be asleep when I saw him coming and only opened them when I heard him sit down on the floor next to my cot. He didn't say anything to me, he just sat on the ground next to me. I fell asleep shortly after he sat down and I woke up with him carrying me inside. "Why are you carrying me?" I grumbled

Red White and Blue | Steve Rogers X OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz