Chilling With Rodrick

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The warm sun hits your face on the bright Saturday morning as your eyes are fluttering open. You head downstairs and smell, is that bacon? You see your grandma in the kitchen cooking bacon and waffles. She must have arrived last night after dinner. You run up and give her a hug and make yourself a plate of food. You go sit on the couch and see on the news an ad for Plainview talent show. " Ohh Y/N you should sing at the talent show since you have a lovely singing voice" your grandma says. You tell her you will think about it. When you go back up to your room you see you have 3 new messages from Rodrick. The messages are him inviting you over to hang out for the day. You tell him ok and get ready for the day. You put on your ripped jeans,a white tee and an orange flannel sweater. Along with your hair in a ponytail and your DocMartens. You tell your mom you're going over to Rodricks to hang and she was cool with it. When you arrive Rodrick runs up to you and says hi. He invited you over to tell you about the talent show and how he needs you to advertise for his band. You look at the poster and say " Loded Diper? What kind of name is that?" He rolls his eyes and hands you the stack of papers. All of a sudden he grabs your hand and pulls you to his white van so y'all can go put up the posters. His driving is surprisingly good for from what the looks of it he doesn't sleep. Y'all first go to the park where a bunch of kids from the local highschool you will go too are. Rodrick starts hanging up the posters and you just sit on a bench and watch the other people your age playing soccer. When yall finish at the park you both were really hungry so yall drive to McDonalds. You both order big macs then drive back to his house so you can listen to him and the band play. When you are listening to the music all you can think of is that they aren't very good, but the one main thing rolling through your brain is that you start sophomore year at Plainview High in two days. When it's around 4:30 you tell Rodrick you are heading back home for dinner and to call your friend from Texas. Rodrick says bye and you start walking across the street to your house. It felt like the longest walk ever because that day August 12th was so humid your hair was getting frizzy from being outside. When you walk back into your house you see your sister playing with her toys, your grandma cooking dinner, and your mom filing through the end of the divorce papers. Dinner that night was really good because your grandma cooked your favorite chicken wings with buffalo sauce, and french fries. When you finish eating you go upstairs to take a shower. You turn on your favorite Spotify playlist and start singing in the shower. When you get out you put on your black shorts and a random rock band shirt you got from Hottopic. You lay on your bed just thinking about how the first day of school will go. Will I make friends? Are me and Rodrick going to be in any classes together? You remember you need to call your friend Katelin from Texas. Moving from Texas to Massachusetts was a drastic change because probably right now in Texas it's 7:30 and still 100 degrees outside. You call Katelin and it goes straight to voicemail. "Hmmm that's odd" you say. You just assume she fell asleep early cause she always does. 

Y/N X Rodrick Heffley: Just LifeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя