Chapter 4: "A Celebration or An Execution?"

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"We greet the Imperial Noble Consort."

"You may rise."

Slowly all the Concubines rose from their position and continued what they are doing.

As the celebration progressed, Kim Dokja became more and more bored. At some point, some Concubines approached him and tried to flatter him but he isn't even paying attention. He is lost in his thought when something caught his attention.

"—it's a shame that the Miss of the Kim Household has run away."

Kim Dokja turned his gaze to the Concubine that utter those words. A girl with brown hair, a fair face, and pink lips. Lady Soo Hae Jung is one of the nobles from the Noble Factions' daughter.

The favored child of Viscount Soo. In the novel, she is one of the Concubines the original Kim Dokja killed as revenge and because of her clingy attitude towards the Emperor.

'Is she saying that I'm lucky I'm in this position just because my sister run away??'

Kim Dokja thought it was cute. Kim Dokja can see the Kim Patriarch signaling him to take care of it.

'Sigh.... How troublesome.'

"My my, I think Lady Soo got it wrong."

Kim Dokja put on a serene smile on his face.

"How so?"

Lady Soo questioned while having a confused expression. She didn't care if it was true or not her only goal was this bitch in front of her. How dare he take something that's mine!!

"My sister did not run away. My father is just too soft-hearted and lets her be with someone she loves and spends her whole life with."

The other Concubines swoon and bought his lies. Well, who wouldn't love a romantic story?

"Oh my, it seems the rumors are not true then."

"Of course, it's just a rumor after all."

"Well, I'm just a bit worried since a half-blood would taint the Royal blood of his Majesty."


The hall slowly fills with whispers from nosy nobles who enjoy gossip.

Lady Soo can't help but feel smug after saying those words. She can see Kim Dokja's expression and she can't help but feel a little delighted.

'Ha! You should have known your place.'

She can't help but think like that but it didn't last long after she heard Kim Dokja's next words.

At hearing those daring remarks, Kim Dokja's smile became a little sharper, and his eyes became cold as he stared at Lady Soo.

"How dare a mere low-ranking Concubine to accuse me of being an illegitimate child."

As a result of Kim Dokja's words, the atmosphere in the hall became cold, as if they were walking on razor-sharp edges. From the corner of his eye, he notices the Viscount appeasing his father. Lady Soo is most likely acting on her own.

Now that he thinks about it, this happened in the novel as well. Lady Soo humiliated Kim Dokja at the celebration, forcing Dokja to flee while hearing the nobles' laughter and his father looked on in disapproval.

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