The Story :)

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A wave of trepidation flooded over Cassandra as she desperately hoped he wouldn't find her here. She crept cautiously into the nearest room she could find which was a grand bedroom with cobwebs scattered across the pale grey walls. Anxiety and apprehension surrounded her mind as she closed the creaking door as quietly as possible. She paced around the gloomy room trying to silence the fear in her heart. Her eyes were fixed on the soulless gaze of the windows, with the moonlight reflecting on the intricate detailed furniture. She stared at the howling darkness illuminating the forest in which the mansion was where she was trapped in.

She noticed a table in the corner of the room with a withered flower in a vase and a candle next to it, lighting up the room. But then, the candle flickered and following that was a loud howling sound which penetrated her ears. At that second her heart pounded in fear and she knew that Zhan Tiri had found her. She burst open the door and ran as fast as she could to a room on the other side of the dark, gloomy hallway. Cassandra was now sure she had got away from Zhan Tiri. This room was so tiny and desolate; the only things in there was one small window, a grand mirror and a picture of something Cassandra didn't know.

Cassandra glanced at her reflection in the mirror: she had raven black hair and her face was now as white as a ghost, her hands were trembling and her heart was thumping. Her attention came to the tiny circular window when a lightning bolt thundered through the midnight black sky and raindrops splattered on the window. She shuddered and then stepped back a few steps towards the unusual picture. She stared at it in confusion, it looked like something very creepy, a monster maybe?, or a ghost? She turned away from it and sat down on the hard, wooden floor when suddenly that loud howling sound started again.

Cassandra's heart raced in a cage of fear. She reached for the door but it was bolted shut and there was a clock on the wall which hadn't been there before ticking tremendously loud. She pounded the door, desperate to escape, she was paralyzed in terror. Zhan Tiri's horrendous, menacing laugh flooded the room. There was no escaping Zhan Tiri now, she was helpless. She paced around the room, desperate for a speck of hope. The picture on the wall glared at her with injected eyes and a sinful grin. The creepy image haunted her brain. The clock ticked relentlessly on the wall constantly reminding Cassandra that her time was running out.

She suddenly caught sight of a shadow of the heartless, loathsome monster Zhan Tiri which has appeared on the wall. Cassandra knew Zhan Tiri had a deep hatred for her and would do anything he can to destroy her. His wicked ways had forever haunted her. The was nothing Cassandra could do now  to stop what Zhan Tiri was about to do...

I hope you enjoyed reading this :D Comment what you think of it!

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