He continued, his voice laced with a hint of desperation, "It's too late to seek another solution. This is the only opportunity Jaha was willing to give to you."

Within the confines of the Ark, the impending events of the next hour remained a well-guarded secret, known only to a select few, including Delyn. The Ark's oxygen system had been steadily deteriorating, and the Sky Box, a containment unit filled with youthful offenders awaiting their assessment, was reaching maximum capacity. In recent months, those who turned 18 no longer underwent a review process; they were simply sent to the airlock for a one-way trip into the void.

However, a significant shift was underway. The Council had convened and initiated a daring mission, one that would alter the course of their fate. They had decided to dispatch the 100 prisoners to the Earth's surface, a decision that held the promise of a new beginning, though it came with uncertainties and risks that left everyone on edge.

The Ark's laws were unforgiving, meting out death sentences for even the slightest transgressions unless the offender was below the age of 18. In such cases, they were confined until they could undergo a formal review process. The grim reality was that their oxygen supply was dwindling at a pace they couldn't match with repairs.

Delyn had been privy to the knowledge of the impending Earth mission for months. As an engineer, she had passionately dedicated herself to resolving the oxygen crisis, desperately working alongside her team. Yet, despite her tireless efforts, her current situation had left her utterly helpless, unable to contribute meaningfully to her team's struggle.

"Delyn, this is dangerous," Kane uttered with a mix of concern and relief. "But you're lucky you even get this chance. Most people would have been floated by now." Delyn acknowledged his words with a subtle nod, slowly rising from the floor. She moved towards the door, but her father's hand on her shoulder halted her progress.

"Listen," he continued, his voice tinged with regret, "I never wished to see you on that dropship. But it was a choice between that and the airlock, and no one is even being told of this or being allowed out of their cell to say goodbye to anyone."

"I know," Delyn said.

Kane let out a heavy sigh. "Alright. Hold out your wrist." Delyn extended her right arm, and Kane securely fastened a metal wristband around it. "It's going to be you and 99 other prisoners on that dropship. I hope you know what you're doing."

"I'll be alright," Delyn assured with a hopeful smile. "It's kind of crazy, isn't it? A few years ago, all I wanted was to spacewalk, and now I'm getting to go to Earth, though not quite in the way I imagined." She pulled her father into a tight embrace, her voice soft and affectionate. "I love you," she whispered.

"Alright," Kane acknowledged, nodding. "You should probably say goodbye to Bellamy. His sister will be on that ship with you." He handed Delyn a small card. "Keep this with you. If a guard stops you, show them this and inform them that you had clearance to be outside your cell."

Delyn offered a quick nod and exited the room, making her way toward Factory Station where Bellamy was.

The plan was clear: the Skybox was to be emptied, with ninety-eight prisoners slated for the journey to Earth. In an unexpected twist, Wells Jaha, the chancellor's son, found himself included at the last minute due to a recent transgression. Delyn, on the other hand, had just made a shocking admission to a crime she had committed sixteen years earlier – an offense that should have resulted in her being floated into space. However, her father had managed to secure her a seat on the dropship, despite her once being the youngest Zero-G engineer and a councilor. Heartbreakingly, her status and achievements had been stripped away just the day before.

Fire Away(On Hold) // The 100 // Book 1Where stories live. Discover now