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It was just another regular day at the monster's building at RuPaul's School for Special Girls. The rooms were with it's lights toned down so it won't disturb the girl's sensitive eyes. In the halls there were posters about how to behave, some of them ripped apart ou with claw marks. It was a sad place, and all of the monsters were used to it.

The buildings were separated in danger levels. In the mythical reign it was common sense that monsters, as good as their intentions were, had a dark soul and should not be fully trusted. That's why it was so rare for them to be freed of this situation. Most would stay at their respective schools (boys and girls always separated) until the limit age: 25, then live in the danger department, away from society.

Of course there were successful monsters, both in the magical and human part of the world. Vampires were the ones who had most chances to live in society, having to feed less in humans because of the science advancement. Pills and synthetic protein can almost replace blood. Almost.

However, not all creatures have the same luck. The more beast like they are the less their chances of being freed. Passing school tests is the only way for this category to achieve its freedom.

Entities also have to pass some tests at school, but not for the same reasons. They can live freely at the mythical reign as long as they don't commit crimes, but school is a way to be able to live amongst humans.

Divines, the most well spoken people are trained to take care of their own reign or of the humans. The second option, the most noble one, also needs a school approval. They normally are seen as superior and take the most important roles in society.

It may not sound fair and it isn't. But that's how things always worked and everything was in their place. Humans were protected and had no idea about the mythical reign. That was until she came.

Daya's POV

I wake up with my back itching. I scratch it and groan. As soon as I sit in my bed I feel my head ache as hell and close my eyes. I sigh. Not again. I open my eyes trying to ignore the few sun rains that come through the window. I look at my roommate's bed and it is empty, she's probably already at class. As I scan the room to understand what happened I see a little note.

Hey Daya
It happened again. Yesterday was full moon and you went out of control. Me and Crystal took you to the room and I think no one saw you transformed. I tried the medicine but it didn't really work that well. I put some painkillers at the beside table and some water. Please take a rest, you will need it.

So sorry about it :(
Your favorite roomie Bosco

I feel frustration tears come down my eyes. The transformations are getting harder and closer each time. I feel so bad and so ashamed that Bosco needs to see it. Sometimes I would rather disappear, but I promised Crystal I would be strong so us both can get out of here.

I take the pain killers and take a look at the little dorm me and Bosco share. There was some claw marks and fur everywhere. It was a mess. I definitely have to clean it up, but I'm so tired right now. I lay down at my bed and go back to sleep.

Bosco's POV

The human behavior class was over finally. Uh I hate how those stupid divines treat us like idiots. Like I know that humans don't just create portals and stuff, you don't need to tell me that, it isn't like I passed as a person for the first 15 ears off my life. Uhhhgg they disgust me. Well, let they think we are dumb, this way is easier to trick them.

- Bosco what's on your mind? - the small little nightmare next to me asks

- Ugh nothing important just how I hate this class - I say rolling my eyes - I don't know how you can stay so calm with being treated as a idiot Willow...

- I don't mind it actually- she answers looking up to me - this way the tests are easier I guess

I sigh. I know she is right. I just need more patience.

- Yeah I guess you're right. I'm just so pissed you know? - I look at her pink eyes - had a rough night and all.

- Yeah - she looks like she doesn't know what to say - how is Daya?

- She was so exhausted when I left - I laugh at the situation- That kinda makes sense since she almost destroyed our room

- Oh my was it that serious this time? - I can see the concern in her eyes as I nod - You know you could have asked me for help! Daya is so big like how did you even contained her alone?

- You already know she doesn't want you to see her like that - Willow was about to say something but I don't let her - Aaaand Crystal helped me. She may not be as big and strong as her sister but she is half werewolf after all.

Willow just nods still looking concerned as we get near mine and Daya's dorm. I put my hand on the dark door handle and look down at her.

- if it makes you calmer you can come in, she is probably asleep now anyways- she nods in agreement- just don't be loud, I think we both need to rest.

We enter and even in the dark I can she the shock in the little girl's face. My night vision may not be so good as hers, but it wasn't hard to find out. She sat down at Daya's bed, next to the sleeping girl and patted the bed sheets in a attempt to clean some of the fur away. Daya flips in her bed and hugs Willow's waist earning her a little sight.

- You can lay down and cuddle with her if you want - I whisper as I lay in my own bed and yawn - She gets very cuddly after the incidents

She does so and soon enough Daya takes place as the big spoon with a small smile, still sleeping. Willow gets comfortable and closes her eyes. A few minutes later we were all asleep.

Hi guys I hope you liked it!
Short initial chapter just to let you know a little bit about the dynamics in the monster side of the school. I guess it's a bittersweet chapter since it starts dark but ends cute. I want to pass the vibe of chosen family between those three

Next one I will introduce Camden, Angie and our favorite shapeshifters Maddy and Orion!

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