Chapter 3: The awakening

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I wake up from my beauty sleep, I put on my school uniform. It looks like beautiful maid outfit, our great president put into law. I put my blonde and purple hair into milkmaid braids. I look daebak. I ran to school as it is time for school. Svetlana didn't show up to our meeting corner. I catch her walking with Taehyung. She is my friend!

I walk the rest to school with my head down and feet out running wild. I was very lonely and sad about this. I am new to this school and i am already alone. I hear a rumble of a car engine. They pull up behind my body, the window goes down and reveals Nikolai. Hey, why are you alone on the way to school, Nikolai had a massive grin on his head. the hair above his eyes was so thick and bushy i could no see his icey cold eyes.I just sign with defeat, My best friend Svetlana didnt want to walk with me to school cause she went with Taehyungie oppar, I am going to be so lonely today. i was taehyungs cock warmer! not her. that slimey slug whore ugly ass dumb ass big nose skinny penis long ass feet eyes pink eye mother fucker! Nikolai just cuts me off with his gremlin laughter, he then stops so suddenly, "you can hang with me and my friends today. I want to apologise for the gagging because i was so sick but now you hang with me and the boys" Nikolai opens his car door and swiping his hand for me to crawl onto his car seat. my foot collided with his cock and balls when i climbed over him making him grab my namby pamby pussy with his seemingly endless fingers. He looked into my head and then was very confused because he said he could not read my most inner thoughts, I felt mysterious about this mind reading belarusian man, he moved his thick hockey bag and lengthy stick to the ground of car. "you must be so tired from walk no?" he saif gripping my feet and pulling my leg onto his lap. his lengthy fingers dragged between my acrid toes before he stuck his fingers in his mouth and sucked off the foot cheese. His personal driver man took off in a speed vroom went the car down the bleck road scrrrrrie went the breaks when the driver pulled up at the school it hit the curved, "Welcome to school elder master Nikolai Alexandrovich, see you after school at the Arena" the deep voiced driver man said to Nikolai. Nikol remove his warm dense cavern from my drenched toes with a pop sound, licking his lips before smirking at me. He then pushed me out of the car and i go flying catching that air before his speedy ass catrches me and he said so close to my face he look into my eyeball "sorry".

his thick frothy belarusian slobber sprayed over the globes of my boobs, wetting my shirt as he placed his long slender fingers up my nostrils. I take my head back "omo dont do this we are at school now people see", Nikolai with angery look zooms closer to my head "dont worry about them them you is mine девушки". We walked into school with each other, all the other school girls looked at me, jealous. I felt so pride that I was walking with the school's second hottest student, Taehyung, who is always the hottest. As I walk with Nikolai down the hallway, I observe that Svetlana sees me with Nikolai and she looked the shocked. She always wanted what i had and had to be better than me. I felt like she was so envious and catie for me, she wants to be me.

Nikolai notes and he puts his long extensive arm coils around my shoulders and pulls my small body closer to his skinny tall body. He fells so cold like ice, like he was the iceberg that sank the titanic. He walked me to my locker and leaned against the wooden doors of the lockers. He signed deeply, "I has to see the principal today so ill leave you with Sasha at lunch. Don't worry he will be fine.". When i grab the books for the law class I follow Nikolai to his locker which was up these stares and on this corner, no many students there.

I walk to class with Nikolai and i sit in my chair from yesterday and look at the window. The gray clouds the loom over Minsk, just another day i feel so sad that this is my life, I want to live in England where life is happy. Nikolai turned to face his friends, Sasha, Yoongi and Daniil. They were talking about video games that they like to plays. Then this girl comes running over to Sasha, "You said that Viktor was going to pick us up and I waited in the snow for ages and you Kolya said you will be there." I look at the girl, she has brown hair and is short unlike Sasha and Nikolai. I were jealous of her and how dare she speak to Nikolai like that. She call him Kolya? Does that mean she is his girlfriend? Hell to the know. I dont know why I feel this way I have known Nikolai for like a day and I love Taehyung but i feel so jealous. I look grumpers and look out window. This Dasha went to sit with these other girls one looks like her i think her name is Nastya. I was so scared of them but angry at Nikolai for not telling me he had girlfriend!!!

Nikolai turn he neck and head around and said oh do not mind Dasha she just do that. He laugh. I say I did not know you have girlfriend or is she Sasha's? Nikolai bursted into the laugh, "she is my niece and sasha is her cousin and nmy nephew it is confuse for other people". I feel stupid, i turn my head to face the window and i search for an a escape from this. Nikolai put his massive sausage hands on my should and give a lite squish; "don't worry you will meet them all one day".

After the classroom finished we left for some snacks and stuff. I sit at the table with the Minskpires. Then I see that Dasha is walk over to the table, she is comes and sits next to me. She turn her head and speak; "It is nice to meet you y/n." she smile into my face. "We will be the good friend you know". Nikolai nervoused laughed and pulled me closer and turn to Dasha; "keep that information to ye self.". Dasha rolled the eyes of her's and turned to me; "I will see you around" I smiled and wave.

​Nikolai look into my soul and said "you are mine", I just wanted to eat my sandwich which place down onto the plate and look in his eyeball, "okay i will be" and I gave a half smile. :/ he grabbed the left hand of mine and squished it a little in his bear like big hands and said "да, ты мой навцегда" I feel I sold my soul to the debil but that is okay because he a beautiful blond Belarusian man. He is so stronk and power. Am I in love? No, I love Taehyung. I catch a look at Svetlana sitting with the Barktan Sonyeondan group. She is siting on the Taehyung's legs. That fucking whore slut bitch pig is tooking my man. I hope she dead soon!!!

We go class and Nikolai disapear into the hallways of people.

Nikolai's POV:

I walk to the office of the principal he is may father. Mr Aleksander Lukashenko. I think he is too power and Antediluvian Elder. Y/N does not know that I, Nikolai Alexandrovich is a Elder Vampire. I walk into office, "добро пожаловать мой коля" the principal says to me. "Hello dad it has been ages since i have been here". I have to tell you that you have been spent too much time with newbie y/n, havent you Kolya?" my father enquires big time. I picnic, but remain cool. "Yes i Have father, i feel some connect to her. She isnt like other girls she is different." i say confidently speech. I see my dad shuk his head side to aide in disaprovel. "She is a mortal human, and you son are immortal elder vampire boss, you marry a vampire not a human. I can get you some girl if you want." Dad put his face into extremely large hands that are the size of Kim Kardashian ass. "No dad i really love her, i cant read her mind i dont understand. I will make her love me and only me because i love her so much." I say to my father. My dad signs with his hand into his head, "omo you cant read y/n's mind that is strang for you, you know everyone mind. I guess I will let it go but she must become vampire if you wish to marrie her ever this goes for any human mortal you wish to marry, it is too dangerass for you to be with a human you will guzzle her warm red liquid we call blood" My dad faces window and looking below at tree. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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