Chapter one

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Taehyung arrived back in Korea completely exhausted. He planned to have fun in Paris, but he didn't expect to have quite as much fun as he did. He felt self conscious as all these pictures of him flooded all over social media, because some of these pictures he felt viewed him in a different light. He has always thought of himself as a social butterfly, he loves meeting new people and everytime someone wants a picture with him he feels really happy to do so.  He had so much fun at the fashion show and the after party was something else . Bogum left early, and he thought to leave also but Lisa wanted to stay and she insisted that he went back to the hotel, but he could tell that she drank more than he did by this point, so he stayed and watched over her. He wasn't drunk, but he had a few drinks at the start of the night and he was feeling relaxed and happy. He chuckled when the clip went viral when he was spinning around on the stripper pole. By the time he posed for pictures with some of the male models who asked, he was feeling more and more tired. So he was scrolling through the pictures later on thinking it looked like he was more and more drunk whereas he was so exhausted and Lisa had so much energy like the energizer bunny. He wanted to make sure that she got back to the hotel safely, which she did. He practically had to toss her drunk ass over his shoulder, but she made it back safely as did he.
      Speaking of a certain bunny... when he arrived back home from Paris he texted with all of the other members checking in and all of them responded but Jungkook...well.. Jungkook kind of responded... 

Taehyung.... "Hey Kook I'm back home from my trip. Are you home as well? What's going on? Want to grab some food in the morning ?"

Jungkook.. "..Nope"

Nope?? Taehyung was confused . He furrowed his brows at his phone thinking ok?..Nope as in nope I'm not home ? Nope I don't want to eat ? Ummmm...huh? Taehyung stared at Jungkooks text for several minutes confused like he was trying to decipher the Davinchi code before yeeting his phone across the room. Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. He started walking back to his bedroom mumbling to himself , "Nope...nope?? What the hell kind of half ass answer...? He's not happy I'm back??! Jealous of BoGummmmm??!! Please . Oh He can run off to make a lovey dovey freaking video with Charlie Pooooffff, but I can't go to Paris?! Ohhh I saw that video, Jungkook has his head back on the side of Charlie's face like yah!! Why you got to get so closeee?!?! Uuuggh!!"

Tae then yeeted his shoes off and sent them flying across his room hitting the wall causing Yeontan to run into the room and start barking at him. Tae plopped down onto his bed face first and grabbed his pillow throwing it over the back of his head and started kicking his feet around. Yeontan jumped on the bed and stood on Tae's back, still barking at him.

"MMMMMMRDMMDDMmdmddmmmmff" Taehyung mumbled.

Yeontan wasn't impressed as he jumped off of Tae's back and barked even louder. Tae turned around onto his back and looked over at Yeontan who stopped barking .

"Sorry Tannie I know you hate it when I yeet my shoes." Tae sighed. Yeontan barked once and licked Tae's nose and then growled. "Aaaand when I'm annoyed with Kook also.." Tae chuckled. Yeontan licked Taes nose again and then layed down beside him.

Tae bit his lip and rolled his eyes "ugh nope still annoyed " as he jumped up to grab his yeeted shoes, Yeontan started barking at him again. "Ok ok I'm going to Kooks house to play nice to figure out what's going on so calm down. See?  Here are my shooooesss they are fine."

Yeontan doesn't look impressed.

Taehyung walked into the living room and grabbed his phone looking at the time 10:35pm. He thought to call Kook first and see if he's home or awake but figured a surprise visit would be more fun...

From Parisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن