Merlin sighed and shook her head. "I'll take Y/N; Elizabeth, please watch over Meliodas in the meantime," the princess nodded and stood up, bowing quickly before she left. "I'm not to be disturbed for the next hour or so. Prince Zeldris, you'll stay in the room with me. You're still an enemy and need to be watched," he nodded and stood up, following Merlin.



"I take credit for this," Gelda crossed her arms, watching Zeldris and I act nervous around each other. Well- it was mostly me. It had been about a week since Zeldris gave me my necklace. I still had no idea what it did. Gelda told me that it was directly connected to Zeldris, but she didn't explain how. Zeldris and I sat next to each other, but we looked opposite ways. Gelda sighed and mentally face-palmed. You two had both confessed, but none of you were doing anything. Zeldris knew nothing about love, and you were a flustered mess at the tiniest things.

"Okay!" Gelda huffed. "Both of you, close your eyes!" Zeldris and I exchanged confused glances , but we both complied. Gelda snickered softly and gently nudged my face closer to Zeldris. She took a step back and smirked. "Okay! Open!" When I opened my eyes, Zeldris's face was right in front of mine. Too close!!! My face went bright red, and I stumbled back, yelling softly when I fell off the tree stump. "Gelda!" I cried out.

Zeldris chuckled softly, mumbling to himself. "Cute," I looked back at him with puffed out cheeks. "I heard that!" I yelled, my face still beet red. Gelda laughed to herself. "You guys are so cute. I swear, my name might as well be cupid -" she stopped speaking when she saw that I basically couldn't function. Steam practically radiated from how hot my face was. I was so flustered that I couldn't function. The both of them began to laugh.


Today was another day that the three of us were supposed to meet together, but when I got there, it was only Zeldris. "Hey Zel," I waved nervously. The air felt sad and heavy. He looked up at me with solemn eyes. I walked over and sat next to him. "Hey...what's wrong?" I asked softly. Zeldris looked at me, struggling to find the words. He took a deep breath and moved to hold my small hand in his.

"Father- heard news of a betrayal within the vampire clan," Zeldris started. I could already feel the tears welling up, knowing where this was going. "He ordered their execution, but I bent the rules and only sealed them away. Gelda....won't be able to meet up with us anymore..."

I nodded softly. "I see," Before I knew it, tears began to fall from my eyes. To my surprise, Zeldris let a single tear fall. I gently cupped his cheek and wiped away the tear. "Hey, it'll be okay... When all this is over, we'll free her together," I sadly smiled. "While she's imprisoned, we'll live for her and do what would've made her happy. We'll stop the Holy War and bring back Gelda when the time is right, Please don't hold this burden," He looked at me with violet eyes. They morphed into their bright emerald green, revealing more of the sadness in his heart.

I let my own tears fall silently and pulled Zeldris into a hug. It didn't take long for him to start sobbing quietly. Gelda was such a bright light in both of our lives. Without her, things felt dull and incomplete. That was the start of all our hardships and trials, but at least, Zel and I had each other.


Author p.o.v

Merlin let out a breath that she had been holding, her hand falling down. It had been about two hours, but the operation had been a success. Luckily, Merlin knew of a spell that could save someone when they were on the verge of death. Your body lay on a bed in the small room, a white blanket draped over you. Zeldris stood on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall, trying to calm his breathing. Merlin took a seat and wiped the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. "She should be alright now," Merlin spoke, absolutely exhausted. The spell wasn't an easy one to perform. "I'm sorry... I didn't realize the spell she was using until it was too late to stop her. We both know that Meliodas would have come back to life anyway, but Y/N would've been gone forever," Zeldris bit his lip, balling his hand into a fist.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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