Chapter 1 ; Ticking Hearts

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Steve Point of View

I get up from my seat, time seeming as if to be in slow motion, hearts everywhere are racing and I see Robin and the band stop playing, their minds focused on one thing, the basketball leaving Lucas' fingertips as it goes towards the hoop, the clock buzzes, but the ball is still in the air. It soars through the room, landed on the rim, it twists around, almost as if it refuses to land us the win, it's the final game of the season, and Hawkins hasn't taken this crown in many years. The room goes silent as the ball turns inside of the rim. I lose my breath, as the ball goes into the hoop. The whole room applauses for Lucas, everyone rushes onto the court, lifting him up into the air and showing him off, I get the urge to scream something dumb, like "That's my kid!" but I can see Nancy in the corner of my eye, of course, she always loved writing in the paper, with, Jonathan. It pains me that they are together, but I must stay happy, for Nancy's sake, for the kids sake. Speaking of the kids, I can only see Lucas, none of his friends are in the stadium, not Mike, not Dustin, and not even Max. I can see the hurt look in his eyes as he notices at almost the same time I do. Poor kid.

Everyone rushes out of the doors, partying in the streets outside of the Highschool, Lucas and the rest of his team are celebrating, as I hear a new gang of cheering come out from inside the school. A group of people wearing matching shirts burst out of the building, they seem to be wearing white shirts with a devil in the middle, with the word "Hellfire." I recognize two of my own kids there, technically three, since I'm not all that sure if Sinclair's sister is one of my own. That must've been what they were doing, celebrating a victory of what I assume to be a game of dungeons and dragons, Dustin always loved ranting to me about his club, and their leader, which I forget the name of.

That's when I see him, curly brown hair that goes down to his chest, his hair isn't as good looking as mine, but he's alright. He's almost... more than alright.. he's almost-

"STEVE!!" Dustin shouts over to me, I flinch and give him a glare for sneaking up on me. "We won our campaign!" I pat him on his head and smile, "Good job, kid." I let him have his moment before I interrupt his cheers. "Lucas won the game for his team, first time in over two decades." Dustin smiles, but his smile quickly fades, realizing he wasn't there for his friend. "Aw man, do you know where he is now?" He asks, Mike coming up beside him. Behind Mike comes, him. "Well, well, well, is this the notorious Steve Harrington?" He says, I almost choke, my lips go numb without any reason at all, and I have no idea what to say. I've never gotten that nervous, not even when I fell in love with Nancy, It's probably just the excitement from us winning the game. I cough, and look back up "What- Yea." I nod and speak faster than I would've liked.

"Steve!" I hear someone calling my name from behind me, thank god. I turn around to see Nancy, coming up to me with pen and paper in hand. "I'm going to start writing the story on Lucas' victory! Care to join me?" She asks.
"Sinclair won the game? Although I am bummed he missed Hellfire, that's a kick ass move." The guy says. Nancy nods, she signals for me to follow as she walks away with me.

12am at night, Steve's house

I lay in my bed, gazing up at my ceiling, my mind is elsewhere, my mind is thinking about that boy Dustin was with. What was that - why did I feel some sort of sensation, or weird feeling when I saw that dude, he's just some guy! I groan, and pick up my house phone to call Robin. She's usually awake this late. As I expected she picks up. "Listen Steve I know that I'm usually up during this time, but you always say you need to go to bed early to maintain the will to keep your hair nice." She laughs on the other end and after a moment of silence she talks. "Your quiet, spill the beans." Robin goes serious and waits for my response. She knows me too well. I gain my composure and speak.

"Ok so this really strange and weird thing happened, that I've never experienced before; and it's practically what you describe it to me like when you see Victoria." I said, not even catching a breath between any words. "You mean, Vicky?" She asks, annoyed. "Victoria, Vicky, same thing. Point is, I couldn't speak, my voice went numb and for the first time my lips were zipped up." I turned over in my bed, barely being able to stretch the house phone in my room that far. God I wish we could just have a holdable phone. "Yes i know, you saw Nancy, your feeling the sparks." She sighs. "It wasn't Nancy, Robin." I say, regretting telling her instantly. Robin clearly seems to have a new interest in the discussion. I hear her scooting her chair and getting closer to the phone. I hear her gasp for air; as she starts one of her long speeches. "Holy crap, which new girl are you falling for now?? When Kermit the frog came back and sang the National anthem for us, did you catch feelings for her? I mean I know she had feelings for you a while ago but didn't share those feelings, and I used to like her, but it's fine if you like her now, since Vicky.. is so.. anyways! Please don't say it's Vicky, because I am dead set on this girl and-" she gets cut off.
"It's a guy, Robin." I hold my breath, as I hear the loudest scream pierce my eardrums. "WHHAATT???" she screams, yelling some incoherent words my brain couldn't decipher. "I don't like him Robin - I'm just wondering why I felt those.. things when I saw him-"

Robin decided not to help, and to continue yelling and shouting like an idiot. I hung up the phone and tried to catch some sleep. My brain was TOO full and I needed to sleep off some thoughts. As I lay in bed, a thought comes to my mind, and I smile,

Oh right, his name was Eddie, Eddie Munson.

1132 words.

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