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Online : CapRuler, TheKwaz, Bandages, ScienceBOOM, CameraIT, Carrotie, Inkling 

CapRuler: Hi everyone 

TheKwaz: Hi me hearties 

Bandages: hi

ScienceBOOM: hi?

Inkling : smdmfnfjjf 

CameraIT: ... I don't think Inkling can use devices 

Carrotie : XD agreed

TheKwaz: Inkling, you have no imagination, why is ur username ... your name?

Bandages: Why can't we just talk in person ?

Carrotie : cause we lazy... duh 

CapRuler: still, anyways I'm gonna translate for Inkling. Back in a sec, wait. Can I text whilst walking?

ScienceBOOM: ....I guess?

Bandages: Just don't hurt yourself 

TheKwaz: You should have told me earlier 

Bandages: I wasn't talking to you anways but ... WHY YOU SO IMMATURE? CRAZY CAT 

CameraIT : Whoah chill Peso, I'm coming to give u a hug and stick some headphones over your tiny face.

Carrotie: ...

Inkling : Hi, thans fr teching me how ot use ths fin contrapthion 

CameraIT: ... XD XD XD XD 

TheKwaz : *snickers Almost there Inkling 

ScienceBOOM: Did you just type '*snickers' into the chat?

Carrotie: XD XD XD XD XD 

CameraIT: LOL. Anways... Peso calm now

Bandages: calm. Calm like ocean. ( at times) 

CapRuler: Dashi....What did you do

TheKwaz: I think she went overboard. Again.

ScienceBOOM: Oh god, what did she do this time.

CameraIT: 😐

Carrotie: I would say lol but it isn't the time. Oh my gawd 😱😱😱

CapRuler: What is it Tweak?

Carrotie : You could say Peso is so calm he is not moving except his breathing and can't take care of his patients.

Bandages : Ah, swerenade 

TheKwaz: Matey, it's so bad he can't even type properly!

CapRuler: Right *cracks knuckles Let's go tame his job into our hands for now

ScienceBOOM: Uh cap you just typed '*cracks Knuck...

CapRuler: NO TIME 

(CapRuler exited this chat)

TheKwaz: Let's do this meHearties!

(TheKwaz exited this chat) 

ScienceBOOM: Right, let's do this 

(ScienceBOOM exited this chat)

(CameraIT exited this chat)

Carrotie: Uh inkling, do u know how to..? You know?

Inkling: mo 

Carrotie: Uh forget this. I'll send Barrot on the job. He might as-well  eat your phone 

(Carrotie has exited this chat) 

Inkling: Meh

Hey guys make sure you put suggestions in the chat for more. Vote if you want to be not discontinued. Bye y'all!

My inspirers

isobeljones2000's amazing octotexting. 

And DolphinGirl123456's amazing inspired octotexting 

Also Callout to thethirdweasleytwin for the amazing Logbook series

Octonauts One-shots and texting seriesWhere stories live. Discover now