chapter 1 🗝️

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Y/n's POV:
"I'm coming, Billy! calm your tits!" I screamed while running down the stairs.
he rolled his eyes. "I don't want you to be late."
"You act like you actually care." I laughed. "you just don't want dad to yell at us."
he shrugged and ruffled my hair. "whatever you say, y/n."
I smiled up and him and grabbed my backpack off the floor.
we got into his car as fast as we could. "billy is a wreckless driver" some people might say. but I say he's just adding spice when he drives.
Billy and I's parents divorced sometimes last year. my mom got custody of me and dad got Billy. but last month, mom was deamed "an unfit mother" because of her drinking and I got sent to live with dad. I enjoyed Billy's company, though, so I didn't have a problem with it.
"you nervous?"
I shrugged. "you could say that."
"hey, I graduated last year," he sighed. "it's not that bad."
hopefully. the only word replaying in my mind was hopefully.
as we approached Hawkins high, I saw these 3 kids riding their bikes to school. I admit I giggled a little whenever I saw their shirts. they said 'hellfire' and something else. strange.
"have a good first day."
"ew. you sound like a dad. stop." I rolled my eyes.
he laughed and drove away.
I watched him as he sped off into the distance. well shit. that's when I realized I didn't wanna deal with these fuckers today. but I'm going to have to anyway.
the three boys pulled up next to me and chained their bikes up.
I made eye contact with one of them. tall, skinny, dark hair, maybe a bit curly? he just smiled at me and waved awkwardly.
I waved back with a confused look on my face and put my headphones on. 'california dreaming' was the last song I had playing, so I turned it on. I put my headphones on and walked through the front door.
I internally groaned as I looked over my welcome sheet to find my locker. #173. okay, easy enough.
I walked over to find myself near the curly headed boy. I payed no attention to him, because I didn't want to seem like a creep or anything.
everyone was chatting around me, all happy and shit. I wasn't sure if I was going to make any friends, or even if I wanted to. all of my past friends always said I acted like a zombie, so I gave up on friendships. who would want to be friends with a zombie?
I put my backpack up and ran off to find my first class.

3 classes later, I was already exhausted. thank God lunch was after this period.
the teacher started taking attendance as a boy slammed through the door. the curly headed boy.
"sorry I'm late!" he took a seat right next to me, not even noticing I was there.
"3rd time this week, Michael!"
so this curly haired boy has a name.
"y/n L/n?"
I quickly raised my hand. "here."
she quickly walked over to me. "so you're the new girl? I'm Mrs. Fibbly. pleasure to meet you." she stuck out her hand and shook mine.
"hi." I said, taking off my headphones the rest of the way. Fuck, I couldn't wait for lunch.

it was a history class. I caught myself dosing off but then hitting my head on the table.
I felt a tap on the shoulder and my heart dropped, I knew it was the teacher.
it was Michael. he was trying to pass me a note. I took the note from his hand and opened it.
"you seem cool," it read, "you should come hang out with me and my friends at lunch. I'm Mike, by the way :)"
I flipped the note over and wrote my response.
"sure why not? I'm y/n :)"
I figured I might as well, since I don't want to be considered a loner on my first day.
before I passed the note back, I wrote something else.
"what's the shirt for?"
I passed it over to him and he read it, scribbled something on the back, and passed it over.
"I'll tell you at lunch."
I made eye contact with him, gave him a smile and nodded.
I admit, I was a little excited to meet everyone.
"Y/n! Michael! stop making puppy dog eyes at eachother and pay attention to the slide show!" the teacher called to us.
our heads immediately turned towards the front. I glanced over at him to find him giggling, and I did too.

eventually, the lunch bell finally rang.
"so," Mike started, "my shirt if from a club, called hellfire. run by Eddie. it's a D&D club."
I nodded. "so, a nerd thing?"
he rolled his eyes. "i- sure."
I giggled. "just teasing."
"yeah, sure you were."
He led me to the table, where 4 boys were already sitting.
at the front of the table sat a long, curly haired man. on one side sat two other guys, and the other held one.
I awkwardly waved. "hi."
"fellows, this is y/n. she's new. I met her last period."
"hi, I'm Dustin." a boy with an odd lisp said, shaking my hand.
Dustin was sitting at the edge of the table, farthest away from the guy at the end. Mike sat in the middle, and I sat on the edge.
the guy stuck out his hand. "Eddie. pleasure to meet you, beautiful."
the two guys across from me made gagging noises.
"get a room!" Dustin yelled.
I rolled my eyes. "shut up." I could feel my cheeks heating up as I glanced back at Eddie, who was already looking at me.
we looked at eachother long enough for me to note his features.
Big brown eyes, dark brown curly hair, hellfire shirt, two layered jean jackets, like 4 rings in each hand, and a watch.
I could tell he was taking note of mine, too, since I noticed his eyes scanning my face.
maybe school won't be as shitty as I thought...

words: 1028

dead girl walking. eddie munson x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu