Hailey Puts Her Foot Down

Start from the beginning

"Then why did you bother?" I sassed back before standing up,

"Enough" she warned with a hint of surprise seeping in to her voice "go and thank your friends mother" she ordered,

"No" I shook my head with a scowl and crossed my arms over my chest defiantly,

"Gracelyn" she warned before taking a deep breath,

"I DON'T WANNA DO IT!" I screamed and in a flash Hailey grabbed my arm firmly and spun me to the side before landing a single light smack to my dress covered behind. Tears instantly sprang to my eyes. Not because it hurt! Compared to Will and Jay it was nothing. The tears formed more out of surprise. Hailey has never spanked me before.

"I'm not gonna have you screaming at me" she said as she let go of my arm and stood to her full height "now go over there and thank Jennies mom then come back here so we can go home" she ordered and I immediately did as I was told.

The drive back to our apartment was silent with the odd sniffle breaking through it. Hailey soon pulled up outside of the apartment and got out to open the door for me to climb out as well,

"Are you gonna tell Jay?" I asked, knowing that I would be in big trouble because of my behaviour,

"Yes Gracie I am" she nodded making the tears pour faster from my tear filled eyes "now get out please" she said firmly and I did as I was told with a choked sob.

I solemnly walked up the stairs and Hailey walked ahead of me before opening the front door and looking at me expectantly,

"I don't wanna" I sobbed,

"Come inside Gracie" she urged in a soft, yet firm, voice,

"Noooo" I sobbed as I leant back dramatically against the wall,

"What's going on?" Jay asked with a frown as he appeared next to Hailey in the door way,

"Gracie won't come inside" Hailey said with an exasperated sigh,

"Why not?" Jay asked confused,

"Because she knows she's gonna be in trouble when I tell you about her behaviour" she informed,

"Fantastic" he muttered before turning his attentions to me "get inside Gracelyn" he demanded,

"I don't wanna" I sobbed and Jay walked over to me before picking me up and carrying me inside so Hailey could finally close the front door "stop it!" I demanded as I hit his shoulder,

"Hey" Jay warned "cam down" he added as he pointed at me warningly, but I continued to try and wriggle out of his hold,

"Get off me! I don't like her anymore!" I screamed as Jay carried me in to my bedroom,

"Don't be so disrespectful" Jay scolded as he sat me down on my bed "now I'm gonna go and talk to Hailey and I don't want you to move off of this bed, do you understand me?" He asked,

"No" I cried as I tried to climb off,

"If I see your butt off this bed before I tell you then I'm gonna start smacking it" he warned as I huffed in defeat "don't move a muscle" he warned once again before leaving my room to talk to Hailey.

Haileys POV

"Right" Jay said as he walked back in to the kitchen "what's happened?" He asked me,

"First I need to tell you something and you have every right to be pissed when I do" I said quickly and he looked at me strange,

"Ok" he said as he leant against the counter,

"I spanked Gracie" I admitted and Jay raised an eyebrow at me in surprise,

"Right" he said as I awaited his reaction "when you say spanked her..." he trailed,

"I just didn't know what to do" I admitted "so I popped her on the butt" I told him,

"Once?" He asked and I nodded "that's hardly a spanking Hailey" he smiled and I let out a slight sigh of relief,

"You're not mad?" I asked and he shook his head with a smile,

"Of course I'm not mad" he assured "I trust you Hailey" he said with a shrug "that means I trust that my sister was being enough of a brat to have warranted it" he explained "I also know that you wouldn't do that unless it was a last resort" he added "If it makes you feel any better Adam had to do it once as well" he told me,

"Really?" I asked surprised and he nodded,

"Yes really" he replied "now can you tell me what happened at the party?" He asked.

Gracies POV

I sat on my bed feeling extra sorry for my self for about twenty minutes before Jay walked in to my room with a rather serious expression on his face.

"Have you calmed down now?" He asked as he stopped next to my bed and crossed his arms over his chest and I nodded "eyes up here Gracie" he told me. I sighed sadly before lifting my sad eyes to meet Jays much sterner ones "I spoke to Hailey. have you got anything you wanna say to me?" He asked,

"Hailey spanked me!" I accused, assuming that she hadn't told him that part,

"She didn't spank you she swatted you" he replied "and from what she told me you're lucky that's all she did" he added and I huffed in defeat "I understand that you where upset about having to come home earlier than your friends but that doesn't excuse you running away from her, hiding from her, and being rude to her" he lectured "I'm really disappointed in you Gracelyn" he admitted "if someone asks you to do something then you do it. That includes Hailey. It shouldn't take her threatening to call me or Will for you to do as you're told. Do you understand me?" He asked once he finally finished his lecture,

"Yes" I replied,

"Good. I want you to be able to go out with Hailey and have fun. But I'm not gonna let you do that if I can't trust you to behave yourself" he explained,

"I'm sorry" I said sadly,

"I'm glad you're sorry" he said as he uncrossed his arms "but I want you to go and apologise to Hailey and you have an early bedtime tonight" he told me and I groaned,

"I said I was sorry" I exclaimed,

"And that's good" he replied "but you've still got to go to bed early" he added and I sighed in defeat,

"Fine" I said with a sniffle,

"C'mon" he said as he ushered me off the bed "go speak to Hailey" he told me as he led me out of my room and in to the living room where Hailey was sat at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee and her laptop open,

"Hailey" Jay said to get her attention "Gracie has something she wants to say, don't you Gracie" he urged as he pushed me forward slightly so I was stood right next to her,

"I'm sorry for my behaviour earlier" I said "I promise to listen to you and be on my best behaviour" I added making her smile and open her arms for me to climb in to,

"Thank you Gracie" she said as she pulled me on to her knee "I forgive you" she added "please don't ever make me smack you again, I much prefer being the cool fun big sister" she admitted making me giggle slightly,

"I still think you my cool fun big sister" I told her making her smile widen "it actually didn't really hurt when you smacked me" I admitted,

"Really?" She asked and I nodded in assurance,

"Yeah" I said "it hurts way more when Will or Jay swat me" I added making her laugh,

"Well maybe if you used your brain a little bit more we wouldn't have to do that" Jay spoke from his place in the kitchen,

"I think you should swat more like Hailey" I told him making him smirk,

"Or maybe she should swat more like us" he replied making Hailey laugh,

"I have no intention of ever doing that again thank you very much" she spoked as she squeezed me a little tighter "anyway, Gracies not gonna give me a reason too, right?" She asked and I shook my head.  

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