"Fine, I'll take this side and you take that side, okay?" James said grumpily.

Narcissa was never expecting this side of James. "Who thought the famous James Potter is still a little immature kid" she said smiling.

"I'm not!" James argued.

Narcissa just gave him a pointed look and shook her head continuing to arrange the books in order.

"Well, see you seem to agree I'm not a kid since you are quiet" James folded his arms and looked at her grinning.

"Potter, I am literally not taking your opinion on this, you are most certainly a kid" she said "why would you say th-" he asked but was interrupted by Narcissa "see? this! You are not even letting a simple comment saying 'you are a kid' go easily but trying to deny or proving your point right" she said making the rabbit gesture using her index and middle fingers from both of her hands to point out 'you are a kid' and folded her arms tilting her head to the right a little and letting her hair flow together.

"I- still I'm not a kid, I'm going to be in the seventh year next year" James said timidly.

Narcissa shook her head suppressing her smile "well what makes you sleep today Potter, what makes you sleep today"

"Ughhh why are you sounding like moony now?" James was already whining again.

"Seriously Potter, you are acting like a child!" Narcissa tried to act frustrated but she failed when she saw him pout like a small child getting grumpy around their mother. 'Well Regulus you got yourself a grown up baby' she thought.

She laughed a little before "Potter-" but was cut off by James "I'm not a child you know" he said slightly sad and had a frown on his face.

"Yeah you are not a child alright? You are just childish" she said going over to him and patting his head "childish just like Sirius" and smiled.

James looked up at her and saw her genuinely smiling.

"Fine, I get that alot, people saying I'm just childish as a child" he said.

"Glad this time we are on the same page Potter" she said shaking her head.

"James" he said and earned himself a 'hmm?' sound from Narcissa.

"Call me James, don't call me Potter, it sounds so distanced" he said sincerely.

"I- well isn't it good if it's distanced than close?" Narcissa asked genuinely curious why he was asking her to call him by his given name out of nowhere.

"I don't know, I usually will feel distanced when people call me Potter when we are talking and it makes me feel formal around people who I actually feel some kind of bond. And I feel the bond with you too and it kind of sucks you are still calling me Potter, I thought we were at least passed the formal talks since the morning" James said which actually surprised Narcissa.

"I don't even know how to address you, do I address you as Black or Narcissa? I don't want to feel like a stranger around you by calling you Black. And plus I already started seeing you as a sisterly figure to me if that's out of you liking I'm sorry. Since I didn't get the fortune of growing up with siblings or cousins, and when I see you teasing me saying that I'm a child and patting my head, I wonder if this is how it feels like to have a elder sister or a cousin around. At one point Sirius and Regulus is the luckiest siblings I've ever seen" James said smiling sadly at Narcissa and looked down his lap.

Narcissa was too stunned to see the happy-go-lucky boy she knows in Hogwarts was actually pouring something from his heart infront of her. She couldn't think of anything she could say for a moment. 'Damn reggy! Your man is really a grown up kid' Narcissa thought smiling.

Scared? Says You Potter!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz