Chapter 7 bad news

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Everyone's heart stopper as Belmin walked into the room. He looked at rayyan and smiled at him. But rayyan didn't take this as him being nice, he knew that he could never trust belmin no matter how much help he got Belmin would always be crazy and horrible to rayyan and he would never get past that. « Greetings everyone, I know that last autumn we may not have gotten off on the right foot.. » Belmin said as he looked at rayyan. This made rayyan angry but also made him feel sick. «... but I would like to restart things with everyone and try to be friends with all of you. I was not in the right space back then but now I have gotten help and I have been trying my best to be a better person. » Belmin finished and sat down at an open desk, right next to djuli. Her stomach turned as he looked at her and spoke. « Hey djuli long time no see, it's been a bit since we talked. I'm sorry for how I acted back then but I was wondering if maybe... we could... sit together at lunch and catch up? » djulis heart sank as she thought « he seems really nice but I'm serious about rayyan I mean rayyan is so kind... and how can I trust Belmin I mean what if he's trying to trick me. » she wondered in her head. « Uhm yeh maybe uhm » she replied as she shook. Meanwhile eila and arianna were still feeling a bad feeling in the chest and it wouldn't go away. They kept hearing pounding in the head like something was shaking. It reminded them of there dogs paws hitting the hard wood floor of there houses. It eased them a bit but they were still worried especially for djuli... as jake sat down at the lunch table his gut squirmed as he looked for djuli but she was no where to be found at the table. « Hey, was it just me or did you guys get a weird feeling in class today when belmin came it's like.... Idk he just gives me weird vibes and he asked djuli if she wanted to catch up and talk at lunch but I don't think she should do it.. » Jake Said to eila and arianna. « Yeah i really hope he doesn't win her over, I mean he clearly still has a grudge for rayyan he was giving him the dirtiest looks... » eila replied. « i don't trust belmin at all » arianna added. Then djuli started walking toward the table with rayyan behind her. She looked pail and was sweating bullets. Her and rayyan sat down and started talking with everyone. Suddenly A figure showed up behind djuli and tapped her shoulder. « Hey djuli uhm I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and talk we haven't talked in a bit and your really nice and even prettier then befo... » Belmin said to djuli but got interrupted by rayyan who was furious. « HEY shes MY girl and she's not gonna sit with a creep like you I know you are tricking her you scum.. » Rayyan yelled at him as he grabbed Belmin by the shirt. Then suddenly a loud announcement came on from the speakers. « Attention everyone there are two dogs on the lose. Please stay indoors and hid. Make sure that you are safe. These dogs could be dangerous so please don't approach them if you see them and instead hid immediately. » and then the speaker shut off.. everyone in the lunch room was freaking out but arianna and eila looked at eachother and the both realize what was going on.. titty and simba were coming....

Thé drama and fights of a triangle ( romance ) 😱जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें